[Debian Sid] Upgrade of ppp package breaks connection

2018-02-21 Thread Maxim Karpenko
Running Debian Sid quite long and never had such "unstable" issue. After upgrading package ppp from 2.4.7-1+4 to 2.4.7-2+1 cannot start ppp-oe connection, requests to my ISP are failing with: MS-CHAP authentication failed: Authentication failure Nothing was changed in config/connection settings.

Nvidia fan speed control

2017-01-19 Thread Maxim Karpenko
Hi to everyone. Just bought new gpu card, Asus GTX 1070, everything is working, but gpu fan is producing a lot of noise. Tried to search methods how to make it more quiet, and all solutions are based on the following: nvidia-settings -a [gpu:0]/GPUFanControlState=1 -a [fan:0]/GPUTargetFanSpeed=$n

Re: skype pauses vlc

2015-05-14 Thread Maxim Karpenko
Hi all, I also had this issue, and till now didn't pay attention to it. Just made some searching and then tried by myself: this is PulseAudio issue, and commenting string "load-module module-role-cork" in /etc/pulse/default.pa fixes it. After that restart pusleaudio process and also all apps that

Re: Skype in sid?

2013-07-08 Thread Maxim Karpenko
Hi, I have skype running in my Sid x64 without problems. Just followed the instructions from official wiki: http://wiki.debian.org/skype#Debian_7.0_.22Wheezy.22 2013/7/8 Johann Spies > I know Skype works well in Wheezy, but in Sid the normal (dpkg -i skype, > apt-get -f install) does not wor

Re: IRQ conflict

2013-04-29 Thread Maxim Karpenko
Hi I've also saw the same issue with my shared IRQs (and also IRQ was shared with nvidia graphics card). If you look in your dmesg, it suggests you to boot with "irqpoll" option. As for me - this didn't help until I added also "noirqdebug". After that I'm running already 6 days without problems a