Useful utils, builtins and command tricks?

1998-12-12 Thread KJ Peters
I'd like to comprise a library of docs relating to Linux/Unix for a non-commercial idea of utilizing as a storehouse for information and a means to find it. Along with the standard FAQ'sand HOWTO's, I'd like to list those time saving tricks categorically, from less to truss. Anything tha

Re: emacs & xemacs

1998-12-10 Thread KJ Peters
Courtesy Roughly translates as follows: Your message could not be distributes to: Franck Fl LEGALL / TTETIV/01 because they could not be find with the entite recipient. This copy was detruite because it appeared out o

Finance and biz apps?

1998-11-11 Thread KJ Peters
In furrowing about, I've come across xacc/plan, xinvest, StarOffice's suite (didn't dl the monster), and Corel's products. Can any recommend application(s) for personal finance/accounting as well as biz planning/organizing/scheduling? Seem to be missing the keywords in searching, any pointers to