alpher.taylors.org -> NIS R DOMAIN OK
This looks like confusion over who I am but on dilthey, I get
dilthey:~> ls -l notion
-rw--- 1 julian users 16384 Jan 5 1997 notion
dilthey:~> ypmatch julian passwd
julian:x:501:100:Julian S. Taylor:/home/julian:/usr/bin/tcsh
Any ideas?
To put this in context, my profession involves developing improved software
distribution methodologies and so I compare most software installations against
own research and I'm working as hard as I am because I find most approaches
disappointing (not just Debian). I'll try to illuminate
> > | When I use cu on Debian I get the message"pppd permission denied". I can
> > | use wvdial to my ISP but I can't get into Sun now that I've switched to
> > | Debian. What am I doing wrong?
> >
> > It may be you need to add the group "dialout". By default
> > regular users don't hav
Pollywog wrote:
> On 14-Aug-99 Julian S. Taylor wrote:
> > Salutations,
> >
> > I've been dead in the water for weeks now. I'm busy and I don't have
> > time to hack into the Debian drivers. I bought the official Debian
> > release and registered
I've been dead in the water for weeks now. I'm busy and I don't have
time to hack into the Debian drivers. I bought the official Debian
release and registered it by snail mail. I was expecting to get back an
E-Mail address for the promised 30 days of E-Mail support - never
happened. H
I log in to Sun using a prompt-response method. The server sends down a
random number, I make an entry into a calculator and it gives me the
password for that session. For this reason, I can't hook up using expect
or chat. Using slackware and Caldera, I just log in using cu. Debian's
I can shut doen lprng and cat /dev/motd to /dev/lp1 but when I turn on
lprng, it refuses to print and lpq shows:
Printer: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 'indianpeaks'
Queue: 1 printable job
Server: pid 515 active
Status: sleeping 10 secs before retry, starting sleep at 08:06:19
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