Re: How to get an Iomega 100MB USB Zip Drive to work with Debian?

2001-07-27 Thread Joern Larsen
any damage to the system? I am grateful for all the help I can get - I am a newbie to Linux. Thanks! Sincerely, Joern T Larsen. --- Guy Geens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > >>>>> "Joern" == Joern Larsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > > Joern> I a

How to get an Iomega 100MB USB Zip Drive to work with Debian?

2001-07-16 Thread Joern Larsen
I am new to Linux, and have just installed Debian/GNU Linux on a Dell Dimension XPS R400. The only problem I am facing, is - how to get an Iomega 100MB USB zip drive to work with Debian 2.2r3? I have installed the module for USB-storage, but have no clue how to go from there. Also - how do I get