I didn't know what package should i file this bug to (cterm, base-utils, ...)
so i report it here and hope someone can suggest:
I like customizing my PC. In my console I use the following PS1 var:
PS1='\n\033[34;1m[\w]\033[0;34m\$ '
PS1=$PS1'\033[s\033[1;1f\033[37;47;1m\033[K Terminal:
In Debian Sarge, in /etc/modules out-of-the-box, the comments say that nything
after '#' is ingored. But this is wrong. Only lines which BEGIN with '#' are
ignored. This should be changed.
Since /etc/modules appears to not be placed by any package but instead
dynamically created, I wonder where
It worked for me fine but, since rungetty doesn't set the USER variable,
HOME variable etc, bash, when run as "bash -l" will fail to rad ~/.profile
~/.bashrc, etc...
There must be a way to have rungetty to set this variables or some app
which logins into some user without prompting for pass :-/
Hi again,
> Those two things associated with setting the username in PAM should make
> it so that anyone putting anyname in using any password that is unknown
> should work.
Yeah, I knew about that, but, as posted on my first message...
"i'd like it to auto-login, so that by insterting a CD and
> If you use GDM as your Display Manager, it has a feature to do
> Auto-Login.
hmm... "How can I auto-login as a _user_ (still, not as root, since i wouldn't
like any ap to corupt my system) in the Command Lie Interface? (the idea
is not to use X)" <- so, no X ;-)
> Okay. hope this helps
Not re
> 1:2345:respawn:/usr/bin/setuid username /bin/bash --login
> (As always, call back if it doesn't work)
Thanks a lot. In fact, I had already tried this, but the problem is that
setuid doesn't set the environment. if there was some way to run 'su'
instead of 'setuid' but without asking for pass
I'm working on my computer to do a Linux MediaCenter (to play videos, DVS,
music, maybe games, and such). Since this computer will not have internet
nor LAN access, i'd like it to auto-login, so that by insterting a CD and
booting up, everything is done and not a single key has to be pressed.
Hi everybody,
I've been playing around with xmodmap to get CTRL+ALT to act as ALTGR,
without success.
In fact, what i found, is that there is no way to have two keys in
comination to act as another one which is a _mode_ key.
If anyone could help me, I'd greatly appreciate it! :)
Thanks in advance
Hi everybody,
I've been playing around with xmodmap to get CTRL+ALT to act as ALTGR,
without success.
In fact, what i found, is that there is no way to have two keys in
comination to act as another one which is a _mode_ key.
If anyone could help me, I'd greatly appreciate it! :)
Thanks in advance
Hi everybody,
I've been playing around with xmodmap desperatly, in order to find a way
to have CTRL+ALT to act as ATLGR. All my effords have been unsuccessful.
It is much easier for me to press CTRL+ALT+2 to get the @ than to type
ALTGR+2, so that's the reason, in case you were wondering.
Ok, ans
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