i have just downloaded 1st CD of 3.1, only to find the
following "Last Minute Notes" in README.txt:
You should keep in mind that this is an unofficial CD
of the current development version of the Debian
system. This means that all sorts of bugs may be
present anywhere in the system.
i'm completel
in this new release, i have to type "mount /dev/hda5
/dos" each time i start Debian. "mount /dos" does not
work, error message says "Mount: /dos is not a block
device", though fstab is properly configed, see
another problem with kernel (see below for kernel
messages) this caused much de
i have a ISA scsi card, the model name is AC-520A, the
chipset is adaptec AIC-6360L, does kernel 2.4 support
it? Thanks!
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Thank you!
Windows has folder names that include space,
Example:"Program Files"
Will that cause trouble for your solution?
--- Matthias Czapla <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 14, 2004 at 10:09:18AM -0700, j smith
> wrote:
> > md5sum checks one file a
md5sum checks one file a time. i want a script that
recursively check files in a directory.Thanks!
PS: the script's application: in DOS 6, there is
antivirus program called "msav" that check if
executables are changed or infected. such program is
no longer available is Windows, so i want a script
i find it easier.
have you followed instruction in the Debian handbook
and installed kernel 2.6 and successfully run xawtv?
if so, i will have to try debian way, which i find
--- Pim Bliek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> > i read the Debian book, but it explicitly says:
> >
> > "
Also, I can remember this is
> different in 2.6. Look
> at the readme that comes with the kernel-source .deb
> (see the above
> manual on how to get the deb)
> - bttv cards should be no problem. Works fine here
> with my Hauppauge WinTV PCI.
> Good luck compiling y
i have Debian 2.6, Bt878-based TV card. i downloaded
kernel 2.6 from kernel.org, and compile it. when i
execute "make module_install", it complains. needless
to say, when i use the new kernel, it can't find bttv
driver. attached is .config, what's wrong?
i have SB 16 and Debian 3.0. after compiling kernel
2.4, i put the following to /etc/modules:
sb io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 dma16=5 mpu_io=0x330
it seems that sound driver works, because lbreakout2's
sound effect is OK and xawtv'TV sound is OK. but i
can't record TV sound in xawtv. it com
ge maybe no this
> - Original Message -
> From: "j smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Sunday, May 16, 2004 6:25 PM
> Subject: how to upgrade to kernel 2.6
> > i have Debian 3.0, i can watch TV with xawt
i have Debian 3.0, i can watch TV with xawtv, but
output of TV recording has no audio. can you help me?
so i want to upgrade to kernel 2.6 in the hope of
solving this problem, but how to upgrade? should i
just use a tgz file? has the new kernel been ported to Debian?
i have used a program from real.com to record TV, the
program also says "no audio" though i can hear TV
during recording.
any suggestion?
--- Jonathan Melhuish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> j smith wrote:
> >i have bt878-based TV card, i can use xawtv to
i have bt878-based TV card, i can use xawtv to watch
TV, but when i use streamer to record TV, it complains
"no audio". needless to say, the output has no audio.
can you help me?
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1st question
i have 2 PCs, one with cable modem connection. I want
to connect them using a serial line. the serial line
actually is a serial mouse extention line. what
software configuration do I have to make?
2nd question
is it possible to use kernel 2.4 in Debian 1.2? the
compiled kernel 2.4 h
however, iftop is not included in Debian 3.0, right?
--- Adam Aube <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> j smith wrote:
> > i have cable modem connection. is there Unix
> command
> > that can tell actual netork bandwidth?
> iftop is a tool that will gi
i have cable modem connection. is there Unix command
that can tell actual netork bandwidth?
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with a subject o
i live in China, and my ISP blocks many Web sites.
how to use Debian to search for free proxy server?
Do you Yahoo!?
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with a subject of
i live in China, and my ISP blocks many Web sites. how
to use Debian to search for free proxy server?
Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Search - Find what youre looking for faster
with a subject of "u
ghost program can copy files in an partition exactly.
is there any ghost-like program for Linux platforms?
Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Search - Find what youre looking for faster
with a subject
ghost for Windows can copy files in an partition
exactly. is there any Linux programs similar to ghost?
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with a subject of
gmplayer complains it can't find skin files though i
copy skin files to ~/.mplayer/Skin/Blue
Please help me!
--- Antonio Rodriguez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 22, 2004 at 06:22:16PM -0800, j smith
> wrote:
> > has mplayer been ported to Debian?
> >
has mplayer been ported to Debian?
i compile and run, but its skin does not work
(gmplayer is not OK), though i copy skin files to my
home directory.
what's problem?
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i installed Debian 2.2 and kernel 2.4 on the 1st CD of
Debian 3.0, and compiled the kernel, but can't make
modules work. modprobe complains it can't find the
modules i request.
it seems to me that the cause is different modules
trees, for example:
kernel 2.2:
but with ker
i have Debian 3.0 and CD-Writer, so i have to use scsi
emulation. i compile the kernel and cdrecord works,
but with scsi emulation i can't use CD-Writer to read
CD. i enter the command:
mount /dev/scd0 /cdrom
it complains that /dev/scd0 is not valid device.
Please help!
i have Debian 3.0 and compile my ethernet card driver.
with default kernel, the driver is OK, but with my
customized kernel, it has problem. after using "insmod
tulip", it complain:
unresolved symbol del_timer_sync
i have 2 TV cards:
1) Flyvideo 98 card, bt878 chip
2) Ati TV-wonder VE
the 2nd card works under Debian 3.0, but the 1st does
not. can you help me?
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i have Debian 3.0, with default kernel, my ethernet
connection works, but with my customized kernel, the
connection fails.
below is message of default kernel:
Jan 27 07:47:11 a kernel: 3c59x.c 18Feb01 Donald
Becker and others
Jan 27 07:47:11 a kernel: pcne
with someone else 's help, i'm connected now. thanks
--- Kent West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> j smith wrote:
> >i have been using Debian 3.0. today i install cable
> >modem. however, during Debian installation, i say
> no
> >to eth
i have been using Debian 3.0. today i install cable
modem. however, during Debian installation, i say no
to ethernet configuration, because at the time, i
don't have ethernet card. now how to config my Linux
do i have to reinstall the whole Debian to config
ethernet? surely not. pls help!
is there software that convert mpeg1 files to other
format to get better compression rate?
i have used mplayer, but it can't play mpeg1 file
correctly: audio and video does not synchronize well.
i have used helix-producer for Windows, which has the
same problem.
is there software that convert java bytecode (class
files) to java code (reverse engineering)?
Do you Yahoo!?
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with a subje
i want to visit a web site that uses ASP which
contains Java applet. i found mozilla in Debian 3.0
can't do that. which browser can do it?
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i want to write a program to read array of Java applet
running in browser. in other words, how are memory
test utility implemented?
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i have Debian 3.0 and TV board with Bt878 chip. i
re-compile the kernel and run xawtv, but the images it
displays are not correct and there are no sound. i'm
in mainland China which use PAL/DK. does xawtv support
PAL/DK? what's the problem?
thanks in advance!
i have i810 board and Debian 3.0, but X does not work,
below is output by xinit:
warning: process set to nice value 0 instead of -10 as
This is a pre-release version of XFree86, and is not
supported in any
way. Bugs may be reported to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
patches submitted
> i have debian 3.0 and complied/installed mplayer,
> but
> can't play a mpeg file.
> below is output of mplayer:
> Using GNU internationalization
> Original domain: messages
> Original dirname: /usr/share/locale
> Current domain: mplayer
> Current dirname: /usr/local/share/locale
> M
i have debian 3.0 and complied/installed mplayer, but
can't play a mpeg file.
below is output of mplayer:
Using GNU internationalization
Original domain: messages
Original dirname: /usr/share/locale
Current domain: mplayer
Current dirname: /usr/local/share/locale
MPlayer 0.90rc2-2.95.4 (C) 2000
Wure, just grab the ssh package, whis is openssh.
apt-get install ssh
Eileen Orbell wrote:
> Is there a package for debian for openssh server? and client?
> thanx
> Eileen Orbell
> Software & Internet Applications
> Capitol College
> Don't Fear the Penguin.
nybody know if there are .deb files for StarOffice?
> Thanks,
> Andy
> __
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