APACHE -SSl + PHP + DB2 suppport?

2002-12-03 Thread Irvin Temp
i installed apache-ssl and added php support.. we can access mysql database using our setup... however our company is planning on using DB2 database running on 1 of our window2K servers(although im trying to convince them to install it on linux). my question here is that do i need to recompile P

CNAME in DNS: having a cname for a different domain than my domain...

2002-11-26 Thread Irvin Temp
i set up apache and name-base virtualhosting on my box. my pcs name is home-woody.dm0nkz.net then created a vhost of a) vhosta.testing.org b) vhostb.dm0nkz.net so i then created a cname for vhostb.dm0nkz.net and vhosta.testing.com like ... home-woody.dm0nkz.net. A vhosta.tes

konquerror-embedded w/out kde

2002-11-14 Thread Irvin Temp
i was wondering, is it possible to install konquerror embedded without installing kde? maybe just installing kdelibs and qt... or kde is a definite requirement. i really want to try it but dont want to use KDE(its too big and too slow for my PC), i prefer windowmaker.. thanks in advance! Best

error during make menuconfig...

2002-11-07 Thread Irvin Temp
Yesterday i revived my old PC, P133, 16MB RAM, 3sX CDROM 800MB HD. i installed an my debian (Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 r2 "Potato"). It installed fine, i then instaled the kernel-source-2.2.18pre21. My problem is that when i do a "make menuconfig" i get the follwing error messgaes: The E

Packages to install to program in java

2002-09-22 Thread Irvin Temp
What are the packages that i need to install so that can be able to program in java? I already deed an apt-cache search java -- no results TIA irvin __ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Finance - Get real-time stock quotes http://finance.yahoo.com -- To

Re: MS WINWORD and WINE problems.... DONE, Thanks to Jeremy Tan!

2002-09-21 Thread Irvin Temp
Tha solved it, I am now able to save files in MS WORD 2000. first i tried running MS WORD 2000, with the command: #wine -dll ole32=n WINWORD.EXE and it worked... I just edited my config file and specified the dlloverrides for WINWORD.EXE to set ole32 to native, builtin,so... now i can do wine WINW

Re: MS WINWORD and WINE problems....

2002-09-19 Thread Irvin Temp
Thanks Dominique, do you happen to know what was the exact file that you delete? the only app i installed on my linux box is MS OFFICE 2k. If you remember the exact location of the file you deleted that woluld be great... TIA irvin  Dominique Dumont <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote: > > "The Disk i

MS WINWORD and WINE problems....

2002-09-18 Thread Irvin Temp
Ive been playing with Wine(version in woody) and MS Offcie 2000. I was to configure wine manually and using winesetup... I also installed MS Office 2000 and was able to launch the MS WORD, EXCEL and POWERPPOINT apps. My problem here is when i close the WORD application i would get a pop-up box wi

packages in /var/cache/apt/archives

2002-09-11 Thread Irvin Temp
I had potato debian installed, then upgraded the system fom potato to woody. During the upgrade through ftp using apt-get it downloaded and saved the newpackages in /var/cache/apt/archives. I then burned all the files in that directory. I also had potato debian installed in my home pc, i copi

What happens to modules after recompiling to a new kernel

2002-09-10 Thread Irvin Temp
Good day, Trying to understand things as much as i can. I need a little help on some concepts here. I installed linux and it detected my hardware e.g lancard and loaded the module for it. After installation i downloaded latest kernel and recompiled it with drivers builtin the kernel.    Q1. When

programming in linux

2002-09-04 Thread Irvin Temp
Ive just been exploring programming in linux. I want to install all teh headers for c and c++, but im not sure what are the packages needed to be installed? is it glibc only? where can i get a list of all the libraries package in debian that can be used for c programming.   TIA irvin Do You Yahoo!?