Re: Upgraded X to 4.1: Lost 1280x1024 mode

2001-11-21 Thread FGL
quot;. > > Yes. The original poster had that resolution. Mine was this. I'm the original poster. I have an ATI card and I found in the XFree86 v4 documentation for it an note explaining that the dot clock had been artificially limited to 80MHz for this release and that the limitation will be removed in a future version. FGL

Re: floppy install on 486dx/33 w/ no CDROM

2001-11-20 Thread FGL
t of the installation use the command dselect and go through the numbered menu items in sequence. After leaving dselect, get offline with the command poff FGL

Re: X upgrade / downgrade / upgrade??

2001-11-14 Thread FGL
to that effect. I may have > a "mixture" of 3.3.6 and 4.0.9 packages. Help me clear this one up to > restore my X please! I think all you need to do is to remove the .X* files in /tmp. FGL

Upgraded X to 4.1: Lost 1280x1024 mode

2001-11-14 Thread FGL
use the mode I've been using for a long time? FGL

Re: Mouse Freezes in XFree

2001-10-09 Thread FGL
ght?) - so maybe it's somewhere in the zaxis-setting or ... > i dont know. - btw i > never had freezes, but _allways_ this "weirdness" of the cursor hopping > arround, suddenly opening > windowns... This is typically because of interference with gpm. Make sure that the gpm protocol is imps2 also and use /dev/gpmdata as your X mouse device. FGL