Re: Knoppix is Not Debian

2004-02-08 Thread Dale Welch
this year after my 2nd brain surgery :-) ---dale ---it is ok to have no rules... so long as everyone follows the rules On Sunday 08 February 2004 07:05 pm, Kent West wrote: > Dale Welch wrote: > >And i was probably building computers when your mama was changing your > >diape

Re: Knoppix is Not Debian

2004-02-08 Thread Dale Welch
And i was probably building computers when your mama was changing your diapers... since i learned basic on a trash-80 model-1 when i was barely a teenager (ok so some would say i am just as bad calling the trs-80 by the popular term of trash-80 --- i knew some guys who ran a good bbs on a trs-80

Re: Has anyone ever thought of getting the reply-to changed?

2004-02-06 Thread Dale Welch
On Thursday 05 February 2004 10:12 am, Rico -mc- Gloeckner wrote: > On Thu, Feb 05, 2004 at 05:58:59PM +, Joseph Jones wrote: > > It really bugs me. I know this may seem unnecessary to some people, but > > it wouldn't require much. All the other mailing lists I'm on set the > > reply-to to the

Re: Debain on the rise ! - However ....

2004-02-02 Thread Dale Welch
If you want it easy... like i do. Then try morphix. has fairly good hardware detection (in fact not bad to use as a live-cd and then just see what it set in the configuration files). works as a live-cd without installing... get the game one and the gnome or kde one and y

Re: Borland Kylix on Linux

2003-04-05 Thread Dale Welch
You do realize that kylix is a pascal and not a c compiler...? stdio.h is a c header file... not going to work. in kylix you would have something closer to program hello(input,output); begin writeln('hello'); end. however because it is actually much more than just a pascal compiler, it gets muc

Re: simple networking problem - bringing up eth0 correctly

2003-04-05 Thread Dale Welch
To explain better: > if i manually do the following commands i can get out on my network >ifconfig eth0 netmask up >route add default gw i need to have that configured automatically during start-up and i need my dns to work. just found my dns proble

simple networking problem - bringing up eth0 correctly

2003-04-05 Thread Dale Welch
I need to automate setting up my network and i seem to be missing something... using debian Linux Version 2.4.18-bf2.4-xfs if i manually do the following commands i can get out on my network ifconfig eth0 netmask up route add default gw i also