NFS breaks after switching to DNS

2000-02-01 Thread Beiad Ian Q. Dalton
I just switched my private network from /etc/hosts to DNS, now NFS mounting doesn't work. Using /etc/hosts I see in syslog: Jan 31 18:06:52 playdough mountd[211]: NFS mount of / attempted from Jan 31 18:06:52 playdough mountd[211]: / has been mounted by and using DNS for

SquidGuard without libdb2 in /usr/local?

1999-12-28 Thread Beiad Ian Q. Dalton
I'm trying to build squidguard but am running into a little problem. It depends on libdb2, but the congigure script fails on Debian's libdb2 and libdb2-dev packages installed, saying the berkley DB package isn't installed. I'd like to build squidguard without having to have the packages under /us

where is `gc.h' needed for compiling gcc?

1999-12-27 Thread Beiad Ian Q. Dalton
I'm trying to compile gcc on Potato with the pgcc patches. Patches applied cleanly, and I edited the debian/patches/ patches that didn't apply cleanly (just version changes between `gcc' and `pgcc') and ran debian/rules binary. Now in src/libobjc/gc.c, it can't find gc.h and gc_typed.h, which a