Fwd: unselect marked packages

2001-12-11 Thread Mr. Batuke
-- - Forwarded Message - DATE: Sun, 09 Dec 2001 22:01:57 From: "Mr. Batuke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: debian-user@lists.debian.org Hi friends ! I've used dselect to install a package (the kernel sources). This also selected many other packages, but i don&#

unselect marked packages

2001-12-09 Thread Mr. Batuke
Hi friends ! I've used dselect to install a package (the kernel sources). This also selected many other packages, but i don't want to install them all. So now i want to unselect all selected-to-install packages in dselect. How i do this ? Help me please ! Thanks ;0) Get 250 color business ca

X11 header files

2001-11-25 Thread Batuke
Hi ! I need some X11 header files such as Xlib.h, Xutil.h keysym.h XShm.h. What package/s must i install to get them ? Thanks guys !

Problems downgrading

2001-11-24 Thread Batuke
Hi, i'm present as Batuke here and this is my first question. I've installed Debian with libc6 2.1.3... and then i install libc6 2.4.x from the unestable release. The new libc6 was installed but many conflicts appears. So i try to install the libc6 2.1.3 but i can't do it! D