gnupg invalid length error with multiple ec keys in the keyring

2022-08-03 Thread Bagas Sanjaya
Hi, I have 4 EC keys (one is nistp256 [daily driver] and the others are nistp384). I attempted to locally sign Greg's key (647F28654894E3BD457199BE38DBBDC86092693E) using one of my nistp384 public key, and using --local-user to specify the key. After entering the passphrase, instead of the key be

Re: Dovecot: ssl_ca_path not respected?

2021-06-28 Thread Bagas Sanjaya
On 28/06/21 20.14, Dan Ritter wrote: The second problem is that ssl_ca should point to the CA bundle for your desired SSL cert -- in this case, your own CA. It is probably indicative of something that the only mention of ssl_ca_path in Dovecot's documentation is in a comment in the config. Is

Dovecot: ssl_ca_path not respected?

2021-06-28 Thread Bagas Sanjaya
Hi, I have difficulties setting up Dovecot to connect to remote MariaDB instance over TLS. So I have two Debian 11 LXD containers spun up, one as mail server with Postfix and Dovecot, and one as database instance with MariaDB. The LXD host is Ubuntu 20.04. I defined `passdb` in /etc/doveco

Re: Re: Why isn't there /etc/apache2/extra?

2020-03-14 Thread Bagas Sanjaya
Debian's decisions on apache layout were made years earlier. Extra configuration for apache2 should be put in conf.d Hmmm, seems contradictory here. You say extra apache2 configuration should be placed on `conf.d`, but Debian layout use `sites-{available,enabled}` and `conf-{available,enable

Why isn't there /etc/apache2/extra?

2020-03-13 Thread Bagas Sanjaya
Hello, When I install apache2 package, configuration files are stored in `/etc/apache2/sites-{available,enabled}` and `/etc/apache2/conf-{available,enabled}`. When I compile and install apache2 from upstream source tarball, supplemental configuration are stored in `$PREFIX/conf/extra` (depen

Hosting in Spain - targeting Indonesian audience

2019-07-05 Thread Bagas Sanjaya
Hello, I'd like to host my website on a local hosting provider. However, the provider have datacenter in Spain, which is far from my targeted audiences in Indonesia. Since the datacenter is far from the audiences, I expected that my website speed will be somewhat slower than if I choose hosting

Re: Packaging of Sugar-toolkit-gtk3 (sugar3) v0.114.

2019-07-05 Thread Bagas Sanjaya
Aniket Mathur: Aniket Mathur this side, an active contributor of Sugarlabs as well as a GSoC 19 participant. This mail is a small query regarding the packaging of "sugar3" module. We currently have v0.112 packaged. In the latest version (0.114) Sugarlabs have made the toolkit compatible with bo

Re: Kiddie - encyclopedia

2019-07-04 Thread Bagas Sanjaya
Paul Sutton: Hi Just found the 'kiddie' encyclopedia website as a link on a school website.  There is an entry for Debian which as you can see some of which has not been updated since version 6.0 I don't mind offering to help them update the page so my first quest

Re: Re: Only Download Packages via Wi-Fi if Total Download Size Over 100 MB

2019-06-24 Thread Bagas Sanjaya
So in summary: - If NetworkManager is used, mark any connections other than Wi-Fi as metered (as suggested by Ryan Nowakowski) - Write helper script for apt that check for total download size, and if it exceeds 100 MB, prompt whether download via Wi-Fi or continue using current (non-Wi-Fi) c

Re: Giving remaja (teens) group full administrator privileges through sudo - dangerous?

2019-06-24 Thread Bagas Sanjaya
On 24/06/19 06.27, Aidan Gauland wrote: I can't really offer an opinion on whether it is dangerous without a more detailed hypothetical scenario, but I would say that is overbroad, and this rule should be narrowed down to only allow running certain commands via sudo as required for this group

Only Download Packages via Wi-Fi if Total Download Size Over 100 MB

2019-06-22 Thread Bagas Sanjaya
Hello Debian Users, In Android (Google Play), when a user is about to download application which its size is over 100 MB, a message is displayed whether the application is about to be downloaded only via Wi-Fi or continue using mobile data. How can I configure the similar feature on apt, that

Re: Re: Re: Giving remaja (teens) group full administrator privileges through sudo - dangerous?

2019-06-22 Thread Bagas Sanjaya
What a BS! This comes from Windoz for sure. I don't know. Since 2013 most programs (GUI applications) there (TV stations systems) display watermark which stated that those are for teens (optionally with parental guidance). So children have to wait until 13 in order to fully make use of those s

Re: Re: Giving remaja (teens) group full administrator privileges through sudo - dangerous?

2019-06-21 Thread Bagas Sanjaya
Carl Fink wrote: You seem to be assuming that Mr. Banjaya is in the USA. While that is not impossible, given the Javanese name and non-USA usage of English, I suspect that it is not correct. In Indonesia, the case resemble hypothetical case in this thread, where sysadmins in TV station does

Re: Re: Giving remaja (teens) group full administrator privileges through sudo - dangerous?

2019-06-20 Thread Bagas Sanjaya
Carl ( said: OK, which meaning of "program" are you using here? In American (and UK) English, it can mean either "set of instructions that run on a computer" or "television entertainment item." You seem to be using it both ways in this message or confusing the two. In this c

Re: Re: Giving remaja (teens) group full administrator privileges through sudo - dangerous?

2019-06-20 Thread Bagas Sanjaya
I think we (or at least I) must be missing some context here. For starters, this must be some specific group of teenagers. And I'm sure they're not given permission to take over running the whole TV station. Is this some specific educational environment? Or is it a TV station specifically intende

Re: Re: Giving remaja (teens) group full administrator privileges through sudo - dangerous?

2019-06-19 Thread Bagas Sanjaya
That is almost as bad as having no security restrictions at all. The correct thing to do would be to set permissions on the programs to allow them to be run by group remaja. What I thought that the correct way is to configure sudoers so that remaja group can access programs that they absolutely r

Giving remaja (teens) group full administrator privileges through sudo - dangerous?

2019-06-18 Thread Bagas Sanjaya
Hello all Debian Users, Consider the hypothetical scenario below. I often encountered cases on systems in television stations when they configured sudoers like this snippet below: %remaja ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL The rationale for above is most programs on such systems can only be accessed by user