I am at the same step and get the same error.. Hope someone answers you..
Cheers Al
- Original Message -
From: Brian W. Carver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2002 7:03 PM
Subject: Printers, and Samba, and Swat (oh my!)
> System: Debian 2.2r6 potato with a few woody
After receiving everyone's e-mails I went to the directory /user/bin using
mc and found a file *enlightenment.install
I viewed it and I thought it looked like what I wanted.
I hit enter and now enlightenment starts automatically.
Thanks and I hope I did the right thing.
Cheers Al
- Origina
Can someone tell me why every time I start X Window Maker starts as default.
I have to change it to enlightenment every time. Is there a way so X starts
with enlightenment?
Running Potato GNU/Linux 2.19
Cheers Al
with a subject of "unsubscrib
Hi again,
Can someone tell me why my session isn't saving each time I exit. Even my
window manager changes. Doesn't matter whether I am root or a user.
Now running Sawmill on Potato
Cheers Al
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [E
To: Alan Shrimpton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, March 30, 2002 2:48 AM
Subject: Re: Help with window manager
> Alan Shrimpton wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I am running GNU/Linux with Gnome but something is a miss and I ho
Hi all,
I am running GNU/Linux with Gnome but something is a miss and I hope you can
I don't know what is normal but the only menu I have is by right clicking on
the desktop and Debian menu pops up. Click on Apps for example and Apps
menu pops out.
I have a WMDock in the right hand corner
I have this same setup. I'm using my windows98 second edition machine
connect to the Internet and it has ICS installed and set up. The Linux box
connected using a cross over cable. Sometimes when I start my Mozilla
Netscape it will not load the URL I have asked for. If this happens I go on
my w
Thanks Tom, I moved the cables around and got rid of the noise..
I just got to tidy my desk.. Al
- Original Message -
From: Tom Cook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, February 15, 2002 12:35 PM
Subject: Re: Sound
> Alan Shrimpton wrote:
> >
> > Terribly
Hey! I am a total newbie too.. I installed my
Debian at Xmas time and still mucking around with it. Some advise may come
useful but may not.
When I first installed it no cards were detected and therefore
no modules (drivers as I understand it) for my cards were detected. I
couldn't g
the mouse while in Window Maker Gnome or am I getting some feed back?
Cheers Al
- Original Message -
From: Grégory Karékinian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: 'Alan Shrimpton' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2002 4:48 PM
Subject: RE: Sound
Did yo
checked the hardware connections :)
Just discovered as I typed this e-mail that the sound works at the jack on
the front of my cdrom. Maybe it is a hardware thing.
Cheers Al
Cheers Al
- Original Message -
From: Grégory Karékinian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: 'Alan Shrimpt
Can someone tell what to check if your sound doesn't work. I only just
reinstalled Debian and installed the modules esssolo1 and soundcore during
the installation process. These modules are loaded but I get no sound.
Previously I got sound when I had Debian installed and manually had to
Okay now X starts atomatically but I rather it not. I know it was my fault
because I said yes to have it as default.. Now, how can I change back.
Also once running how do I stop it?
Cheers Al
- Original Message -
From: Alan Shrimpton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Paul 'Baloo'
Stupid I am. I have heard the letter X being used alot but I don't know
what it is. Doubt I have the package downloaded.
What is X?
How do you run it in case I have it?
Cheers Al Newbie
- Original Message -
From: Paul 'Baloo' Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: A
27; Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Alan Shrimpton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2002 12:06 AM
Subject: Re: Netscape4, Mozilla
> On Fri, 25 Jan 2002, Alan Shrimpton wrote:
> > Okay, now I installed it. How do I start it?
> netscape &
> o
I am a new newbie and only just got my network to work. I had to add the
Cheers Al
- Original Message -
From: Jason Majors <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Debian User
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2002 8:28 AM
Subject: Re: ...and then add a nic
> > I have another question about
Okay, now I installed it. How do I start it?
Cheers Al
The reason why I haven't set my Linux box to connect to the Internet is
because I have a winmodem in the windows machine. I am only tinkering
around with Linux but if successful, "move over windows". My next modem is
a Linux modem.
Thanks for the advise.
Cheers Al
- Original Message -
I would like to thank you for your advise. You don't know how relieved I
am. Finally had a spare moment from the wife and I did as you told me and
it is downloading as I type. My windows machine was already set up for ICS.
Cheers Al
- Original Message -
From: Cameron Matheson <[E
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