2005-06-04 Thread justme
Grub or Lilo it don't matter they don't start when I reboot after installation. When I reboot with Grub is stands still: GRUB_ (underscore blinking) and don't start (have to reboot and reboot) The same with Lilo It stands still: L_ (underscore blinking) I tryed to install DOS then it WILL star

IPChains and IPtables

2005-06-03 Thread justme
HI, I am new to IPChains and IPtables I have installed Debian woody but did upgrates and DIST upgrades I don't know if it can change the IPCHAINS to something else? But I still have the Kernel 2.2.20-idepci I am totaly new to Firewalls and I am learnig with the IPCHAINS HOWTO and when I t