Re: Bug#315399: Sarge's FireHOL fails to start if previously stopped

2005-10-25 Thread Tilman Koschnick
On Tue, 2005-10-25 at 08:20 +0200, Alexander Wirt wrote: > > According to the changelog, this is fixed in firehol 1.231-3; Sarge has > > 1.231-2. This bug could possibly leave a system without a firewall > > activated, so I'm wondering if the bugfix would warrant an upload to the > > security archi

Sarge's FireHOL fails to start if previously stopped

2005-10-24 Thread Tilman Koschnick
Hi, FireHOL, an iptables configuration package, fails to start again if it was previously stopped (#315399, #309651): | # /etc/init.d/firehol stop ; /etc/init.d/firehol start | Stopping iptables firewall: FireHOL ...FireHOL: Clearing Firewall: OK | | done. | Starting iptables firewall: FireHOL .