Re: named: 'error sending response: unexpected error'

2005-07-13 Thread Mark Foster
John Keimel wrote: On Wed, Jul 13, 2005 at 08:25:37AM +0200, Adrian von Bidder wrote: | Jul 12 18:41:07 zbasel named[5317]: client error sending response: unexpected error I see this error when a particular server of mine cannot confirm that it sent an answer to a

Re: My machine was hacked - possibly via sshd?

2005-03-28 Thread Mark Foster
Malcolm Ferguson wrote: All, My machine was cracked on Thursday evening. I'm trying to understand how it happened so that it doesn't go down again. Sounds to me like you know exactly how it happened - ssh user enumeration won the jackpot. So what can I do to prevent it? My best guess is that