
2003-04-14 Thread Phil Pettis
Title: Message  

Re: Kernel ptrace Hole - Fix For i386 ?

2003-04-14 Thread Greg Norris
On Tue, Apr 15, 2003 at 12:46:38AM +0100, Nick Boyce wrote: > The fix is in vanilla kernel 2.4.20 as I understand it, and it sounds > like some people here are downloading that source for their Woody i386 > systems. By "vanilla", do you mean the "Linus kernel" from kernel.org? If so, the fix was

Kernel ptrace Hole - Fix For i386 ?

2003-04-14 Thread Nick Boyce
I'm wondering whether I've missed some announcement about a fixed 2.4.x package for this for i386 architecture. We've had DSAs 270 and 276 providing the fixes for Mips and S390 systems, and lots of discussion here about how to protect against the exploit *instead* of having a fix ... and it's been

scan (2)

2003-04-14 Thread danilo lujambio
Hi; the last week I posted about nmap scanning and crashes of my server I want to advise you that the scsi board of the our server presented a problem which appeared in the weekend (as a murphy law's dictates) I passed all the server to other PC and works ok and when I run scan against it , it d

RE: sendmail + mailscanner

2003-04-14 Thread Michel van der Klei
> Hello! > > I know this is not specially a security topic, but I need to > do this for > My security :)) > I'm using sendmail, and I want to use mailscanner and > spamassassin with > it. I don't know how to configure sendmail to work with > mailscanner. The > mailscanner's howtos are very ou

Re: sendmail + mailscanner

2003-04-14 Thread Répási Tibor
Hy, just follow the steps described in /usr/share/sendmail/examples/amavis download the lates sources and it works. I've installed it a few weeks ago and it is running well. I'm using it with f-prot, but You can config it for any antivir software You want. Regards, Tibor Repa

Re: recent OpenSSL vulnerabilities

2003-04-14 Thread Adam Majer
On Tue, Mar 25, 2003 at 09:51:02AM +0100, Pavel Jurus wrote: > Hello, > I have seen two or three questions but no answer on this list. What > is the status of vulnerabilities announced on http://www.openssl.org/ > from 17-Mar-2003 and 19-Mar-2003. Are the debian packages vulnerable? > > I'm not su

sendmail + mailscanner

2003-04-14 Thread LeVA
Hello! I know this is not specially a security topic, but I need to do this for My security :)) I'm using sendmail, and I want to use mailscanner and spamassassin with it. I don't know how to configure sendmail to work with mailscanner. The mailscanner's howtos are very outdated, and in the ma

Re: SPAMMED ONCE AGIN !!! (Was: Re: Under 10 bucks, cell phone antenna boosters. qmnh coxehywqphhnsg)

2003-04-14 Thread Rich Puhek
Michelle Konzack wrote: Because I use [EMAIL PROTECTED] only to get mails, there was someone which had made a lookup on the Mailing-List-Server to get this Address... Well, no. If you look carefully, you have managed to leak that address to the list before. On March 17, 2003, for instance

Re: SPAMMED ONCE AGIN !!! (Was: Re: Under 10 bucks, cell phone antenna boosters. qmnh coxehywqphhnsg)

2003-04-14 Thread Michelle Konzack
Am 21:44 2003-03-30 +0200 hat Bernard Lheureux geschrieben: > >On Sunday 30 March 2003 16:03, wrote: >The previous one was a porono site promo, now this one !!! >WHY ISN'T THIS LIST PRIVATE ONLY !!! Sorry but this was discused many times on this list since I am already more then 4 years Debian u

Re: smtp auth

2003-04-14 Thread Michelle Konzack
Hallo Arnold, Am 21:11 2003-04-01 +0200 hat Arnold J. Fischer geschrieben: > >goog morning everybody, > >ok ad first I'm not really sure, if this ist exactly the right forum, but I'm >getting email from this list a long time and to be true I didn't found a >debian list for mailing administrativ

Re: Unidentified subject!

2003-04-14 Thread Michelle Konzack
Hello David, Am 14:48 2003-03-30 -0600 hat David Ehle geschrieben: >On spamassasin, I havn't used it, so this may be a stupid question, but >would it be impossible setup it or an equivelnt on the list? > >That might be a good compromise between making the list member only (bad) >and getting Spam