Dear WEB-Mail User
We have noticed several attempts by this IP address:, trying to
get access to your email account from Mexico, We intend to suspend your account
within the next 48 hours Your Mailbox has exceeded the storage limit which is 2
GB as set by your administrator, y
Your email has exceeded the storage limit created. You will no longer
be able to send or receive messages.
To activate, Chick here and fill in the necessary information
Consideration must be activated in the day to regenerate new surfaces.
a size.
Additional Info Staff and Faculty Members Only.
Click on Staff and Faculty GATEWAY<>
IMPORTANT NOTE: You won't be able to send and receive mail messages at 480MB .
ITS help desk
©Copyright 2014 Microsoft
Quota mail size 97.9%
Webmail Cleanup routine/upgrade... New mails are Blocked and Filter for safe
please UP-GRADE-NOW<>
This has become necessary to serve you better.
Help Desk Admin/Cleau
Det här är ditt IT Service Desk skickar detta mail för ditt konto uppgradering,
Vi genomför en uppgradering i all e-postkonto, alla användare är att
kontrollera hans /
hennes konto för uppgradering,
att gå för att uppgradera ditt