Package: dolfin-bin
Followup-For: Bug #782029
Dear Maintainer,
Removing '/x86_64-linux-gnu' from the paths to the libsuitesparse
libraries in /usr/lib/dolfin/cmake/DOLFINTargets-relwithdebinfo.cmake
makes the Expression compile.
*** Reporter, please consider answering these questions
Package: fenics
Version: 1:
Followup-For: Bug #755728
To add more info, python-ffc now provides python-ufc and ufc (since
1.4.0-1, 03 June 2014). The problem seems to be version numbers:
python-ffc is version 1.4.0-1, but fenics, python-dolfin and
libdolfin1.3-dev require ufc >= 2.3.0 and