Source: deal.ii
Severity: wishlist
Dear Maintainer,
at the moment installation triggers a huge list of additional packages,
please consider providing a "light" version of the library without dependency
on mpi, petsc...
(e.g. something like the exim package does with the exim4-daemon-heavy and
Package: libdeal.ii-dev
Severity: normal
Dear Maintainer,
building a program with libdeal.ii fails with an error
/usr/include/deal.II/base/config.h:327:19: fatal error: mpi.h: No such file or
# include
To reproduce the problem, take a fresh installation and execute
apt-get --assu
Package: gnuplot-x11
Version: 4.6.5-10
Severity: normal
Dear Maintainer,
using 'set y2tics' command may lead to incorrect tic positions. A minimal
example that reporduces the bug is
start gnuplot
gnuplot> f(x) = x
gnuplot> set y2tics
gnuplot> plot [0:1][0.1:1] f(x)
a plot will appear and the tics