Bug#990919: unblock: exim4/4.94.2-6

2021-07-11 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
* Adrian Bunk [210711 05:45]: > * Cherrypick > 78_01-Command-line-option-for-no-notifier-socket.-Bug-2616.patch from > upstream GIT master. This allows one to disable creation of a > daemon notifier socket by either setting notifier_socket to a empty value > or specifying -oY com

Bug#991621: unblock: util-linux/2.36.1-8

2021-07-28 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
2021-07-28 19:09:07.0 + @@ -1,3 +1,9 @@ +util-linux (2.36.1-8) unstable; urgency=medium + + * Apply upstream patch for CVE-2021-37600 (Closes: #991619) + + -- Chris Hofstaedtler Wed, 28 Jul 2021 19:09:07 + + util-linux (2.36.1-7) unstable; urgency=medium * libmount: allow

Bug#991621: unblock: util-linux/2.36.1-8

2021-07-29 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
Hi, * Cyril Brulebois [210729 00:43]: > Chris Hofstaedtler (2021-07-28): > > util-linux builds udebs. debian-boot@ is x-cc'ed. > > Thanks, Chris. > > No objections in theory; I'd be happy to have it in testing before Jul > 31 (which is the tentative date

Bug#991621: unblock: util-linux/2.36.1-8

2021-07-29 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
Hi, * Sebastian Ramacher [210729 10:23]: > On 2021-07-29 10:15:30, Chris Hofstaedtler wrote: [..] > Besides the missing unblocks, util-linux would be blocked by: > > autopkgtest for ocfs2-tools/1.8.6-6: amd64: Pass, arm64: Pass, armhf: > Regression ♻ (reference ♻), i386: Pass

Bug#986908: unblock: snort

2021-04-19 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
> $ debdiff snort_2.9.15.1-4_i386.deb snort_2.9.15.1-5_i386.deb [..] The debdiff does not seem to show any actual packaging changes. Are you sure you diffed the correct files? Chris

Re: Bug#986565: unusable with current git

2021-04-23 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
Hi everyone, * Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer [210423 21:06]: > Hi! Indeed it's not working again, so reopening the bug. > > On Wed, 21 Apr 2021 10:12:03 + Damyan Ivanov wrote: > > Sigh. Now git reverted to using /usr/lib again, and git-flow is broken. It appears some more coordinatio

Bug#987506: unblock: inventor/2.1.5-10-23.1

2021-04-24 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
@@ +inventor (2.1.5-10-23.1) unstable; urgency=medium + + * Non-maintainer upload. + * Remove arch-specific filter used when building the arch: all +packages, hopefully fixing #889189. + + -- Chris Hofstaedtler Sat, 24 Apr 2021 11:51:14 + + inventor (2.1.5-10-23) unstable; urgency=medium

Bug#987543: unblock: python-jenkinsapi/0.3.11-5

2021-04-25 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
. + * Apply patch from Ubuntu to fix FTBFS. (Closes: #986511) +Thanks: Logan Rosen + + -- Chris Hofstaedtler Sat, 24 Apr 2021 23:29:27 + + python-jenkinsapi (0.3.11-4) unstable; urgency=medium * Fix FTBS due to pylint/python3 changes (Closes: #971179) diff -Nru python-jenkinsapi-0.3.11/debian

Bug#995743: RM: hardlink/0.3.2

2021-10-04 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
Package: release.debian.org Severity: normal User: release.debian@packages.debian.org Usertags: rm Dear Release Team, please RM hardlink from testing, to allow util-linux to migrate. src:util-linux now ships the hardlink program, and on upgrades hardlink should get deconfigured/removed. See #

Bug#995743: RM: hardlink/0.3.2

2021-10-04 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
* Chris Hofstaedtler [211005 00:18]: > Will followup with the ftp.d.o bug#. #995744. Chris

Bug#1031212: unblock: util-linux/2.38.1-5

2023-02-13 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
/changelog 2023-02-13 08:48:21.0 + @@ -1,3 +1,9 @@ +util-linux (2.38.1-5) unstable; urgency=medium + + * Apply upstream patch to fix logger timestamp for stdin (Closes: #1030285) + + -- Chris Hofstaedtler Mon, 13 Feb 2023 08:48:21 + + util-linux (2.38.1-4) unstable; urge

Bug#1033945: unblock: pdns-recursor/4.8.4-1 [pre-approval]

2023-04-04 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
437, see + https://doc.powerdns.com/recursor/security-advisories/powerdns-advisory-2023-02.html + (Closes: #1033941) +* Fixes high CPU usage caused by serve-stale logic. +* Fixes DNSSEC validation issues for some domains served by popular + DNS software by F5. +* Downgr

Bug#930875: unblock: pdns/4.1.6-3

2019-06-21 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@ +pdns (4.1.6-3) unstable; urgency=medium + + * Fix Denial of service via crafted zone records (CVE-2019-10162) +using patch from upstream. + * Fix Denial of service via NOTIFY packets (CVE-2019-10163) +using patch from upstream. + + -- Chris Hofstaedtler Fri, 21 Jun 2019 19

Bug#1015243: buster-pu: package commons-daemon/1.0.15-8

2022-07-18 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
Closes: #935336) + + -- Chris Hofstaedtler Mon, 18 Jul 2022 09:35:49 + + commons-daemon (1.0.15-8) unstable; urgency=medium * Team upload. diff -Nru commons-daemon-1.0.15/debian/patches/debian-935336.patch commons-daemon-1.0.15/debian/patches/debian-935336.patch --- commons-daemon-1.0.15

Bug#1015244: bullseye-pu: package commons-daemon/1.0.15-8

2022-07-18 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
000 + +++ commons-daemon-1.0.15/debian/changelog 2022-07-16 00:03:17.0 + @@ -1,3 +1,10 @@ +commons-daemon (1.0.15-8+deb11u1) bullseye; urgency=medium + + * Non-maintainer upload. + * Apply patch from unstable to fix JVM detection. (Closes: #935336) + + -- Chris Hofstaedtler

Bug#1015243: buster-pu: package commons-daemon/1.0.15-8

2022-07-18 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
* Chris Hofstaedtler [220718 12:02]: > [ Tests ] > > I manually tested the built package on oldoldstable amd64. Sorry, I got confused with the names. This should have read oldstable (buster). Chris

Bug#1015243: buster-pu: package commons-daemon/1.0.15-8

2022-08-06 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
* Adam D. Barratt [220805 20:35]: > Control: tags -1 + confirmed > > On Mon, 2022-07-18 at 11:49 +0200, Chris Hofstaedtler wrote: [..] > > jsvc just does not work except if on upgrades one keeps the JVM from > > oldoldstable (openjdk 8). > > Please go ahead. Uploaded. Thanks, Chris

Re: #966373: Higher version for uploads to stable and oldstable distributions

2020-08-30 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
Control: reassign -1 release.debian.org Hi, versioning for (old)stable uploads is best discussed with the Release team. Filing this against the `general` package does nothing useful for this discussion, so I'm reassigning this bug. I'd encourage a mail to debian-release@lists.debian.org instead,

Re: Bug#966114: src:cyrus-imapd: Mail::JMAPTalk version 0.15 required--this is only version 0.13 at ./Cassandane/Cyrus/JMAPCore.pm

2020-09-03 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
* Xavier [200903 16:10]: > > I must say I find it unacceptable that autopkgtests which are being > > used to test migration from Debian unstable to Debian testing to rely > > on code from random places on the Internet, which Debian Developers > > have no control over. > > I understand your point

Re: Bug#966114: src:cyrus-imapd: Mail::JMAPTalk version 0.15 required--this is only version 0.13 at ./Cassandane/Cyrus/JMAPCore.pm

2020-09-05 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
* Paul Gevers [200905 20:22]: > On 03-09-2020 18:12, Chris Hofstaedtler wrote: > > * Xavier [200903 16:10]: [..] > ftp-master has an even stronger opinion, see > https://ftp-master.debian.org/REJECT-FAQ.html (Non-Main II). Thanks for the pointer. I guess the bugs severity should

Bug#970745: buster-pu: package pdns_4.1.6-3+deb10u1

2020-09-22 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
ql.sql has to be +manually applied to the backing PostgreSQL database. (Closes: #970729) + * Apply upstream patches to fix CVE-2020-17482 (Closes: #970737) + + -- Chris Hofstaedtler Tue, 22 Sep 2020 19:07:45 + + pdns (4.1.6-3) unstable; urgency=medium * Fix Denial of service via cr

Bug#970745: buster-pu: package pdns_4.1.6-3+deb10u1

2020-10-12 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
* Adam D. Barratt [201010 10:28]: > On Tue, 2020-09-22 at 22:22 +0200, Chris Hofstaedtler wrote: > > Maybe it should be pointed out in the stable update notes that > > manual action is needed to remedy CVE-2019-10203 for existing > > installations using postgres. "Man

Bug#970745: buster-pu: package pdns_4.1.6-3+deb10u1

2020-11-30 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
* Chris Hofstaedtler [201130 12:45]: > Ah, pdns already has per-binary NEWS files - I've added it there. > > New debdiff attached. Please confirm. I've uploaded this with the changed NEWS files. If you want to see this changed anyhow, please let me know. Best, Chris

Re: Bug#979432: ruby-rack FTBFS on IPV6-only buildds

2021-02-07 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
Control: found -1 2.1.4-1 Control: tags -1 - unreproducible * Chris Hofstaedtler [210207 18:19]: > Thanks. However that info appears outdated, as on a current Debian > unstable, I always get a `lo` interface with and ::1 > bound. The tests want, so that works. >

Please allow pdns/4.4.1-1 into bullseye

2021-02-08 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
Dear Release Team, I must have misunderstood the exact timing requirements for bullseye. However I persuaded upstream to maka a point release "for us", so I'd be great if pdns 4.4.1-1 could actually make it into bullseye. I've uploaded that yesterday, and that was "just too late"? Thanks, Chris

Re: Please allow pdns/4.4.1-1 into bullseye

2021-02-08 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
Hi Paul, * Paul Gevers [210208 21:13]: > On 08-02-2021 09:32, Chris Hofstaedtler wrote: > > I've uploaded that yesterday, and that was "just too late"? > > What makes you think so? [..] > Required age reduced by 3 days because of autopkgtest > Not

util-linux/2.36.1-7 blocked on flaky systemd/247.3-1 test on ppc64el

2021-02-09 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
Dear Release Team, currently, util-linux/2.36.1-7 is blocked from migration because of a failed test of systemd/247.3-1 on ppc64el. I'm told "networkd-test.py" is known to be flaky. As I can't seem to make that happen reproducibly for ci.debian.net, could you please mark the test as known bad on

Bug#961270: RM: pdns-recursor/4.0.4-1+deb9u4

2020-05-22 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
Package: release.debian.org Severity: normal User: release.debian@packages.debian.org Usertags: rm Dear (old-)Stable Release Managers, please remove pdns-recursor with the next/last point release of stretch. Security support has ended upstream, and it'd be better if people wouldn't run DNS se

Re: maintaining debian-security-support in stable, oldstable (and oldoldstable)

2020-05-31 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
Hi Holger, > i just dont think releasing d-s-s updates via point releases makes sense. > and often they also dont warrant a security/lts update as they come with > DSAs/DLAs and mostly the d-s-s updates are based on DSA/DLAs and thus such > DSA/DLAs would just refer to the other ones. May I ask y

Bug#963229: nmu: bsdmainutils_12.1.1

2020-06-20 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
Package: release.debian.org User: release.debian@packages.debian.org Usertags: binnmu Severity: normal Hello, bsdmainutils 12.1.1 had to pass through NEW, please schedule a binNMU to get rid of the amd64 binaries. nmu bsdmainutils_12.1.1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild on buildd network' Thanks, Chri

Bug#963267: buster-pu: package multipath-tools/0.7.9-3+deb10u1

2020-06-21 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
/changelog 2020-06-21 16:41:48.0 + @@ -1,3 +1,9 @@ +multipath-tools (0.7.9-3+deb10u1) buster; urgency=medium + + * [775fe68] kpartx: use correct path to partx in udev rule (Closes: #959727) + + -- Chris Hofstaedtler Sun, 21 Jun 2020 16:41:48 + + multipath-tools (0.7.9-3

Bug#963267: buster-pu: package multipath-tools/0.7.9-3+deb10u1

2020-07-06 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
* Adam D. Barratt [200706 17:17]: > Control: tags -1 + confirmed d-i > > On Sun, 2020-06-21 at 16:53 +0000, Chris Hofstaedtler wrote: > > I'd like to push a fix for #959727 to buster. The bug causes us some > > trouble with block devices that are -sometimes- missing.

Bug#964792: buster-pu: package gist/5.0.0-2+deb10u1

2020-07-10 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
ebian/changelog 2018-08-01 20:00:47.0 + +++ gist-5.0.0/debian/changelog 2020-07-09 15:27:56.0 + @@ -1,3 +1,9 @@ +gist (5.0.0-2+deb10u1) buster; urgency=medium + + * Avoid deprecated authorization API (Closes: #964544) + + -- Chris Hofstaedtler Thu, 09 Jul 2020 15:27:56

Bug#914475: stretch-pu: package pdns/4.0.3-1+deb9u3

2018-11-23 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
1970-01-01 00:00:00.0 + +++ pdns-4.0.3/debian/patches/911659-auth-reanimate-backends.patch 2018-11-10 13:36:22.0 + @@ -0,0 +1,228 @@ +From 8e4c354790ff43ca750a58c504ee31e570462ff8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Chris Hofstaedtler +Date: Sat, 10 Nov 2018 15:26:01 +

Bug#915667: stretch-pu: package pdns-recursor/4.0.4-1+deb9u4

2018-12-05 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
2018-11-10 16:05:33.0 + @@ -1,3 +1,9 @@ +pdns-recursor (4.0.4-1+deb9u4) stretch-security; urgency=high + + * Security upload for CVE-2018-10851 CVE-2018-14626 CVE-2018-14644 (Closes: #913162). + + -- Chris Hofstaedtler Sat, 10 Nov 2018 16:05:33 + + pdns-recursor (4.0.4-1+deb9u

Bug#914475: stretch-pu: package pdns/4.0.3-1+deb9u3

2018-12-24 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
* Adam D. Barratt [181224 18:37]: > On Fri, 2018-11-23 at 17:54 +0000, Chris Hofstaedtler wrote: > > pdns/4.0.3-1+deb9u3 [..] > > Please go ahead. Thanks, uploaded. Chris

Bug#915667: stretch-pu: package pdns-recursor/4.0.4-1+deb9u4

2018-12-24 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
* Adam D. Barratt [181224 18:45]: > On Wed, 2018-12-05 at 21:14 +0100, Chris Hofstaedtler wrote: > > pdns-recursor [..] > > Please go ahead. Thanks, uploaded. (I've fixed the suite in the changelog, oops.) Chris

Bug#878173: stretch-pu: package pdns/4.0.3-1+deb9u1

2017-10-30 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
* Adam D. Barratt [171029 19:16]: > Control: tags -1 + confirmed > Please make the changelog distribution "stretch", and feel free to > upload. Changed and uploaded, thanks. > Does this also affect the package in jessie? After asking upstream about this and checking the code in jessie, this ap

Bug#926097: unblock: pdns/4.1.6-2

2019-03-31 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
+ + [ Salvatore Bonaccorso ] + * Insufficient validation in the HTTP remote backend (CVE-2019-3871) +(Closes: #924966) + + -- Chris Hofstaedtler Sun, 31 Mar 2019 12:48:59 + + pdns (4.1.6-1) unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream version 4.1.6 diff -Nru pdns-4.1.6/debian/patches/CVE-2019

Bug#882958: stretch-pu: package pdns-recursor/4.0.4-1+deb9u2

2017-11-27 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
Package: release.debian.org Severity: normal Tags: stretch User: release.debian@packages.debian.org Usertags: pu Security update using upstream patches to fix CVE-2017-15090, CVE-2017-15092, CVE-2017-15093, CVE-2017-15094. DSA has marked those as non-DSA but suggested fixing through a stable u

Bug#882960: jessie-pu: package pdns-recursor/3.6.2-2+deb8u4

2017-11-27 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
Package: release.debian.org Severity: normal Tags: jessie User: release.debian@packages.debian.org Usertags: pu Security update using upstream patch for CVE-2017-15093. DSA has marked this non-DSA but suggested fixing this through an (old)stable update. debdiff attached. Thanks, Chris diff -

Bug#882959: stretch-pu: package pdns/4.0.3-1+deb9u2

2017-11-27 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
Package: release.debian.org Severity: normal Tags: stretch User: release.debian@packages.debian.org Usertags: pu Security update using upstream patch, for CVE-2017-15091. DSA has marked this no-DSA but suggested that this should be fixed via stable-updates. 4.0.3-1+deb9u1 is already in p-u, t

Bug#882961: jessie-pu: package pdns/3.4.1-4+deb8u8

2017-11-27 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
Package: release.debian.org Severity: normal Tags: jessie User: release.debian@packages.debian.org Usertags: pu Security update for CVE-2017-15091. DSA has marked this no-DSA but suggested this goes through (old)-stable-updates. debdiff attached. Thanks, Chris diff -Nru pdns-3.4.1/debian/cha

Bug#904307: stretch-pu: package multipath-tools/0.6.4-5+deb9u1

2018-07-22 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
-0.6.4/debian/changelog 2018-07-23 06:16:34.0 + @@ -1,3 +1,18 @@ +multipath-tools (0.6.4-5+deb9u1) stretch; urgency=medium + + [ Chris Hofstaedtler ] + * Apply patch to avoid deadlock in udev triggers, based on upstream +10704bae99cdcc809aaba0546017cb2eb416c551, with adaptions

Bug#904307: stretch-pu: package multipath-tools/0.6.4-5+deb9u1

2018-08-07 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
* Cyril Brulebois [180728 17:36]: > Adam D. Barratt (2018-07-28): > > Control: tags -1 + moreinfo d-i > > > > On Mon, 2018-07-23 at 06:34 +0000, Chris Hofstaedtler wrote: > > > The update would fix #859157, which is causing me headache on our > > > produc

Bug#1039039: bookworm-pu: package multipath-tools/0.9.4-3+deb12u1

2023-06-24 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
01 01:00:00.0 +0100 +++ multipath-tools-0.9.4/debian/patches/0006-multipathd.service-re-add-ExecStartPre.patch 2023-06-24 23:07:02.0 +0200 @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +From: Chris Hofstaedtler +Date: Sat, 10 Jun 2023 12:42:40 +0200 +Subject: multipathd.service: re-add ExecStartPre + +Ups

Bug#1039039: bookworm-pu: package multipath-tools/0.9.4-3+deb12u1

2023-06-25 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
* Jonathan Wiltshire [230625 15:30]: > Control: tag -1 confirmed > > On Sat, Jun 24, 2023 at 11:46:44PM +0200, Chris Hofstaedtler wrote: > > Packaging bugs #1037292 and #1037539 have been discovered after the release, > > this update will fix them in stable. > >

Re: Bug#1068017: Y2038-safe replacements for utmp/wtmp and lastlog

2024-05-30 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
* Vincent Lefevre [240530 13:21]: > On 2024-05-08 16:53:53 +0800, Jun MO wrote: > > For last(1) my concern is that it will be helped to keep the original > > last(1) for back-compatibility to read old wtmp files. > > I agree, this may be useful. Unfortunately, the current status is > that one can

Re: Bug#1068017: Y2038-safe replacements for utmp/wtmp and lastlog

2024-05-30 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
* Jun MO [240530 19:09]: > On Thu, 30 May 2024 13:18:17 +0200, Vincent Lefevre wrote: > > I agree, this may be useful. Unfortunately, the current status is > > that one cannot have both: installing wtmpdb forces the upgrade of > > util-linux to 2.40.1-3 (at least), where "last" is no longer instal

Bug#1051237: transition: move files from / to /usr to finalize /usr-merge

2024-06-03 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
* Helmut Grohne [240603 23:11]: > On Wed, May 29, 2024 at 03:14:59PM +0200, Helmut Grohne wrote: > > Since noble includes these changes and I'd get this done sooner rather > > than later, how about moving forward with June 5th after 22:30 UTC (such > > that all buildds have regenerated their chroo

Re: Bug#1071970: pcre3 should not be part of trixie

2024-08-06 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
On Tue, Aug 06, 2024 at 09:20:22AM +0100, Matthew Vernon wrote: > On 06/08/2024 09:11, Bastian Germann wrote: > > pcre3 is still showing up with "reason: priority" as key package in > > https://udd.debian.org/cgi-bin/key_packages.yaml.cgi > > > > So this bug's severity will not take effect to auto

Bug#1078095: libeccodes-tools: please drop ksh and alternatives

2024-08-06 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
Package: libeccodes-tools Version: 2.36.1-1 X-Debbugs-CC: hel...@subdivi.de, debian-release@lists.debian.org Hi, libeccodes-tools is a key package, as such it pulls in its dependencies into the key package set. Currently it pulls mksh and possibly the listed alternatives pdksh | zsh | ksh into t

Re: Bug#1071970: pcre3 should not be part of trixie

2024-08-06 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
* Bastian Germann [240806 22:12]: > Control: tags -1 d-i > > Am 06.08.24 um 20:14 schrieb Chris Hofstaedtler: > > libpcre3-udeb is indeed considered Priority: important and thus key. > > > > I'm sure release team will be happy to assist with the removal

fuse-udeb unused? (make fuse not key)

2024-08-13 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
Hi debian-boot, src:fuse (fuse 2.x) currently builds a udeb. Because of how the set of key packages are calculated, this makes fuse automatically part of the key package set. Given fuse3 has existed for a long time, maybe we could start removing fuse in the next release cycle. For that, it would

Re: Re: RFC: dropping armel from Debian for the upcoming release

2024-08-13 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
Hi, > On 2024-08-01 07:55:15 +0200, Hector Oron wrote: > > Should Debian drop armel from the upcoming Debian release? > > Was there a conclusion to the discussion on d-arm@l.d.o? What is the > opinion of the two porters that we currently have listed for armel > (added to CC)? fakeroot, a notable

Re: fuse-udeb unused? (make fuse not key)

2024-08-13 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
Hallo Cyril, * Cyril Brulebois [240813 20:56]: > Chris Hofstaedtler (2024-08-13): > > src:fuse (fuse 2.x) currently builds a udeb. Because of how the set of > > key packages are calculated, this makes fuse automatically part of the > > key package set. > > > &

Latent bugs in armel, armhf packages built before t64 transition

2024-08-15 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
Hi, while investigating a test failure in ksh93u+m, it became clear that packages last built before the time_t-64bit transition can have latent bugs. They might very well now FTBFS or fail at runtime (autopkgtest time or later). I believe FTBFS are bugs are probably caught by periodic rebuilds do

coreutils: cp/mv changed return code in incompatible way

2023-12-15 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
Package: coreutils Version: 9.4-1 Severity: serious Tags: upstream Control: affects -1 initramfs-tools scanbd Hi, cp and mv -n changed their behaviour with regard to their exit code when doing nothing, and also now write to stderr. This causes a few problems in existing packages: 1) initramfs-t

Bug#1036884: 64-bit time_t: libuuid1t64 -> libuuid1

2024-03-04 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
Hi, please schedule binNMUs for these source packages to transition back from libuuid1t64 to libuuid1. Note that I've built this list based on the amd64 Packages file. I'm not sure if skipping armel, armhf would be helpful or not at this time. The notable thing is e2fsprogs on archs where the ABI

Bug#1068843: nmu: libnbd_1.20.0-1

2024-04-11 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
Package: release.debian.org Severity: normal User: release.debian@packages.debian.org Usertags: binnmu X-Debbugs-Cc: lib...@packages.debian.org Control: affects -1 + src:libnbd nmu libnbd_1.20.0-1 . ANY . unstable . -m "Rebuild on buildds" Please rebuild libnbd to replace the profile nocheck

Bug#1068844: nmu: tuxmath_2.0.3-9

2024-04-11 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
Package: release.debian.org Severity: normal User: release.debian@packages.debian.org Usertags: binnmu X-Debbugs-Cc: tuxm...@packages.debian.org Control: affects -1 + src:tuxmath nmu tuxmath_2.0.3-9 . armel armhf s390x . unstable . -m "Rebuild for time_t" Please rebuild tuxmath on the listed

Y2038-safe replacements for utmp/wtmp and lastlog

2024-04-26 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
Fellow Developers, you are probably aware of the time_t-64bit migration :-) However, this does not magically transition all data formats to 64bit times. One such instance is the set of utmp/wtmp and lastlog files. Thorsten Kukuk and others have been working on replacements for the existing file f

Bug#1068017: Y2038-safe replacements for utmp/wtmp and lastlog

2024-04-27 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
On Fri, Apr 26, 2024 at 08:06:15PM +0100, RL wrote: > the chkrootkit package provides several utilities for examining some of > these files: chkutmp chkwtmp and check_wtmpx and chklastlog [a] -- it does > not use pam but reads the files in /var/log > > How would I test these against the new files

Bug#1070020: autopkgtest: (unrelated) packages not found

2024-04-28 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
Source: mmdebstrap Version: 1.4.3-6 Severity: serious X-Debbugs-Cc: debian-release@lists.debian.org Hi, the autopkgtests for mmdebstrap as part of migration tests for testing/amd64 fail with apt reporting 'Not found' errors. As an example, for this scenario: mmdebstrap 1.4.3-6 util-linux/2.40-8

Bug#1086151: bookworm-pu: package util-linux/2.38.1-5+deb12u2

2024-11-01 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
On Thu, Oct 31, 2024 at 08:44:11PM +, Adam D. Barratt wrote: > On Sun, 2024-10-27 at 16:41 +0100, Chris Hofstaedtler wrote: > > ema@ asked in #1085682 to improve reporting of ARM CPU core names in > > lscpu for bookworm. > > > > Just as background: on x86, /proc/cpu

s390x architecture status?

2024-10-28 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
Hello! I want to draw attention to, from my point of view, open questions/problems with the s390x architecture. In short, it seems to me, that: a) there are no porters left (to fix serious problems) b) various packages already ignore s390x (gnome? others?) c) general, including upstreams, interes

Bug#1086151: bookworm-pu: package util-linux/2.38.1-5+deb12u2

2024-10-27 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
Package: release.debian.org Severity: normal Tags: bookworm User: release.debian@packages.debian.org Usertags: pu X-Debbugs-Cc: util-li...@packages.debian.org, e...@debian.org Control: affects -1 + src:util-linux [ Reason ] ema@ asked in #1085682 to improve reporting of ARM CPU core names in

Re: Building packages in the future.

2025-01-05 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
Hi, * Otto Kekäläinen [250105 21:54]: > Thanks for encouragement. I filed > https://salsa.debian.org/salsa-ci-team/pipeline/-/issues/411 and will > continue research on libfaketime/datefudge in CI there. as we've seen in the time_t-64 transition, programs that interpose library calls like this a

libmimalloc2.0: missing transition to libmimalloc3.0

2025-01-07 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
reassign 1092330 libmimalloc2.0 retitle 1092330 libmimalloc2.0: fails to provide libmimalloc.so.2.0 severity 1092330 serious affects 1092330 tex-common thanks mimalloc should have done a library transition, but instead it just bumped the soname without changing the package name.

Re: Bug#1090742: Please drop Provides: avahi-autoipd

2024-12-27 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
On Fri, Dec 27, 2024 at 01:47:20PM +0200, Martin-Éric Racine wrote: > > >> TBH, I'm not sure what you are trying to achieve with the Provides: > > >> avahi-autoipd in dhcpcd-base. > > >> > > >> Answering that question might help with finding a proper solution. > > > > > > dhclient doesn't provide I

Bug#1088008: bookworm-pu: package util-linux/2.38.1-5+deb12u3

2024-11-21 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
y them + * Use upstream's new --disable-makeinstall-tty-setgid. +This fixes our wider mitigation for CVE-2024-28085. + + -- Chris Hofstaedtler Thu, 21 Nov 2024 21:01:54 +0100 + util-linux (2.38.1-5+deb12u2) bookworm; urgency=medium * Add the following upstream patches to identify new Arm c

Re: Rustc unsoundness on i386

2024-11-23 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
* Fabian Grünbichler [241123 15:31]: > A) move i386 rustc to Rust's i586 target (which doesn't have SSE out of the > box), instead of the i686-with-SSE2-disabled it currently uses > B) bump the i386 baseline in Debian to require SSE2, and stop disabling SSE2 > there in rustc > C) disable all opt

Bug#1093859: release.debian.org: mips64el vs. librsvg needs resolving for trixie

2025-01-23 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
* Simon McVittie [250123 15:33]: > This seems to have been happening for about 6 months (since 2024-08-15), > although until recently it was possible to mitigate it by retrying builds > until they got scheduled on a buildd that happened to be using a buster > kernel. Retrying this for git was sup

Bug#1091962: bookworm-pu: package grml-rescueboot/0.5.2+deb12u1

2025-01-04 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
* Adam D. Barratt [250104 13:05]: > Control: tags -1 + confirmed > > On Thu, 2025-01-02 at 19:25 +0100, Chris Hofstaedtler wrote: > > grml-rescueboot can download Grml ISOs from the Internet. > > > > The recent Grml 2024.12 release has a) changed the architectures &g

Bug#1091962: bookworm-pu: package grml-rescueboot/0.5.2+deb12u1

2025-01-02 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
n regex + * Add NEWS entry about i386 + + -- Chris Hofstaedtler Thu, 02 Jan 2025 18:37:31 +0100 + grml-rescueboot (0.5.2) unstable; urgency=medium [ Allan Laal ] diff -Nru grml-rescueboot-0.5.2/debian/NEWS grml-rescueboot-0.5.2+deb12u1/debian/NEWS --- grml-rescueboot-0.5.2/debian/NEWS 1970-0

Re: trixie toolchain freeze - util-linux

2025-02-21 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
Hi Sebastian, * Sebastian Ramacher [250221 11:14]: > On 2025-02-20 12:02:12 +0100, Chris Hofstaedtler wrote: > > I would like to put util-linux 2.41 into trixie. Upstream released > > an rc1 yesterday, and promised to try being in time for our freeze. [..] > > So long stor

Re: trixie toolchain freeze - util-linux

2025-02-22 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
* Emilio Pozuelo Monfort [250222 09:41]: > > Sorry for not having a clearer answer. > > There's a few autopkgtest regressions with 2.41 rc1. From a quick look, some > of them caused by different output on errors or different command line > interfaces. Can you take a look and file bugs at importan

trixie toolchain freeze - util-linux

2025-02-20 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
Dear Release Team, I would like to put util-linux 2.41 into trixie. Upstream released an rc1 yesterday, and promised to try being in time for our freeze. However, life can happen and things can be delayed. I want to a) avoid being stuck on an old util-linux branch: 2.40 already has had its fourt

Re: Bug#1098948: Changing 10.1 requirements for /usr/games

2025-02-26 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
* Simon McVittie [250226 14:45]: > Do we know that this is only a practical problem for /usr/games, or are > there also collisions between /usr/bin/foo and /usr/sbin/foo in practice? /usr/bin/foo and /usr/sbin/foo is where this started, and most packages got fixed. The remaining ones have open bu

Re: Bug#1098948: Changing 10.1 requirements for /usr/games

2025-02-26 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
* Helmut Grohne [250226 23:31]: > On Wed, Feb 26, 2025 at 01:41:54PM +, Simon McVittie wrote: > > What I would like to avoid here is having maintainers feel that they > > should reject attempts to resolve naming collisions with reasoning like > > "this is part of a merge like the /usr-merge an

Re: Bug#1098948: Changing 10.1 requirements for /usr/games

2025-02-26 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
On Wed, Feb 26, 2025 at 02:59:54PM +0100, Chris Hofstaedtler wrote: > * Simon McVittie [250226 14:45]: > > Do we know that this is only a practical problem for /usr/games, or are > > there also collisions between /usr/bin/foo and /usr/sbin/foo in practice? > > /usr/bin/foo

Re: trixie toolchain freeze - util-linux

2025-03-18 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
Hi, * Chris Hofstaedtler [250221 11:57]: Do you have some estimates from last releases of util-linux how many changes go into a release after rc1? Do you expect a big diff between rc1 and the final release? Attached are two filtered debdiffs. The first one is from rc1 to final - util

Bug#1100975: unblock: util-linux/2.41 [pre-approval]

2025-03-21 Thread Chris Hofstaedtler
Package: release.debian.org Severity: normal User: release.debian@packages.debian.org Usertags: unblock X-Debbugs-Cc: util-li...@packages.debian.org Control: affects -1 + src:util-linux Hi, I figured the util-linux discussion might get lost on the mailing list, so I'm following up with a bug