Processed: unblock 650601 with 810206

2016-02-27 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for > unblock 650601 with 810206 Bug #650601 [] transition: libpng 1.6 650601 was blocked by: 809896 809948 635946 809911 809899 742560 662411 649971 809863 809934 809944 741891 636004 809949 641892 809905 809892 810188 636998 635945

Processed: unblock 650601 with 810206

2016-02-25 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for > unblock 650601 with 810206 Bug #650601 [] transition: libpng 1.6 650601 was blocked by: 662443 809950 642265 662523 810208 810191 810193 650563 649552 810177 810206 809881 649546 810188 809872 809866 809887 809935 648129 809946