Re: Coordingating/planning various golang transitions

2024-07-14 Thread weepingclown
Hi, Discussions in #d-golang indicate a BoF was submitted. My understanding is that it was submitted late after the initial reviews were done by the content team and so it is probably in the list of late submissions the content team has yet to review. Best, Ananthu On 14 July 2024 8:46:19 pm

Re: Coordingating/planning various golang transitions

2024-07-13 Thread weepingclown
Hi Reinhard, First of all thank you for your hard work. I would like to help you out, but am limited currently in time and my golang knowldege as a whole. But my understanding is that the go team plans to have a bof at the debconf this time, so probably this topic can be brought up and hopefull