Bug#857434: jessie-pu: package synergy/1.4.16-1

2017-03-10 Thread Joshua Honeycutt
edium + + * Added ensure_non00_cursor.patch to fix a crash when synergyc starts. +Closes: #854567 + + -- Joshua Honeycutt Fri, 10 Mar 2017 20:12:42 -0600 + synergy (1.4.16-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream version. diff -Nru synergy-1.4.16/debian/patches/ensure_non00_cursor.patch synergy-1

Bug#855146: unblock: synergy/1.4.16-2

2017-02-14 Thread Joshua Honeycutt
re of. I'm new to the unblock process. If this change is necessary should I upload a new version to unstable, and reply back to this bug once complete or is a new unblock bug required? Joshua Honeycutt

Bug#855146: unblock: synergy/1.4.16-2

2017-02-14 Thread Joshua Honeycutt
ted debian/control fields: Maintainer, Homepage, Vcs-* with new +maintainer and upstream information + * Changed description to indicate new upstream locations for binary and +source releases (old URL returned page not found) + + -- Joshua Honeycutt Wed, 08 Feb 2017 16:08:21 -0600 + syner