Severity: normal
Tags: bookworm
Usertags: pu
Control: affects -1 + src:amavisd-new
[ Reason ]
* Fix race condition on initial install. Closes: #1064349.
* Fix CV
Processing control commands:
> affects -1 + src:amavisd-new
Bug #1067206 [] bookworm-pu: package
Added indication that 1067206 affects src:amavisd-new
Debian Bug Tracking Syste
JFYI, I released dupload 2.11.0 with support for the mentioned
transitions check hook. Have not received any complaints (yet? :).
On Sun, 2024-01-14 at 22:06:46 +0100, Guillem Jover wrote:
> On Sun, 2024-01-14 at 19:35:40 +0100, Guillem Jover wrote:
> > Perfect, thanks. I've force pushed the
Processing control commands:
> block 1036884 by -1
Bug #1036884 [] transition: time64_t
1036884 was blocked by: 1066794 1065787 1067069 1065816 1067175 1067189 1067192
1065973 1055352 1067171 1067190 1062847 1067170 1055530 1066049
1036884 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocki
Processing control commands:
> block 1036884 by -1
Bug #1036884 [] transition: time64_t
1036884 was blocked by: 1055352 1067171 1066049 1067175 1067170 1055530 1062847
1066794 1065816 1067189 1067190 1067069 1065787 1065973
1036884 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s
Processing control commands:
> block 1036884 by -1
Bug #1036884 [] transition: time64_t
1036884 was blocked by: 1065787 1067189 1062847 1067175 1065816 1066049 1067069
1067171 1055530 1065973 1066794 1055352 1067170
1036884 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 103
Processing control commands:
> block 1036884 by -1
Bug #1036884 [] transition: time64_t
1036884 was blocked by: 1066049 1055530 1065816 1067175 1066794 1067170 1067069
1065787 1067171 1055352 1065973 1062847
1036884 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1036884: 10
Your message dated Tue, 19 Mar 2024 20:34:38 +0100
with message-id
and subject line Re: Bug#1064428: [Britney] does not migrate new arch:all
packages after initial migration of same source
has caused the Debian Bug report #1064428,
regarding [Britney] does not migrate new arch:all packages after
Your message dated Tue, 19 Mar 2024 20:26:23 +0100
with message-id
and subject line Re: testing migration happened despite FTBFS on arch:all buildd
has caused the Debian Bug report #887060,
regarding testing migration happened despite FTBFS on arch:all buildd
to be marked as done.
This means that
Processing control commands:
> block 1036884 by -1
Bug #1036884 [] transition: time64_t
1036884 was blocked by: 1065816 1055530 1065973 1066794 1055352 1067171 1062847
1067170 1065787 1066049 1067069
1036884 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1036884: 1067175
Processing control commands:
> block 1036884 by -1
Bug #1036884 [] transition: time64_t
1036884 was blocked by: 1067170 1065787 1065973 1067069 1055352 1065816 1066049
1066794 1055530 1062847
1036884 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1036884: 1067171
Processing control commands:
> block 1036884 by -1
Bug #1036884 [] transition: time64_t
1036884 was blocked by: 1062847 1066794 1067069 1065787 1055352 1055530 1066049
1065816 1065973
1036884 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1036884: 1067170
1036884: http
Processing commands for
> block 1036884 with 1066794
Bug #1036884 [] transition: time64_t
1036884 was blocked by: 1065973 1065816 1067069 1062847 1055352 1066049 1055530
1036884 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1036884: 1066794
Processing control commands:
> block 1036884 by -1
Bug #1036884 [] transition: time64_t
1036884 was blocked by: 1065816 1066049 1055352 1065787 1055530 1065973 1067069
1036884 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1036884: 1062847
> block -1 by 1062840
Bug #1062847
Processing control commands:
> affects -1 + src:hovercraft
Bug #1067149 [] bookworm-pu: package hovercraft/2.7-6~deb12u1
Added indication that 1067149 affects src:hovercraft
> block 1025655 with -1
Bug #1025655 {Done: Andreas Beckmann } [hovercraft]
hovercraft: requires python3-
Severity: normal
Tags: bookworm
Usertags: pu
Control: affects -1 + src:hovercraft
Control: block 1025655 with -1
Control: affects 1067148 + src:hovercraft
Control: block 1025655 with 1067148
[ Reason ]
hovercraft is unusable
Severity: normal
Tags: bullseye
Usertags: pu
[ Reason ]
hovercraft is unusable w/o python3-setuptools
[ Impact ]
hovercraft is unusable without manual installation of additional
[ Tests ]
New autopkgtest smoke tes
Processing commands for
> # cyclic dependency with graphviz needs breaking
> block 1036884 with 1055530
Bug #1036884 [] transition: time64_t
1036884 was blocked by: 1065787 1055352 1066049 1065973 1067069 1065816
1036884 was not blocking any bugs.
Added b
Processing commands for
> # needed by systemd/udev
> block 1036884 with 1065973
Bug #1036884 [] transition: time64_t
1036884 was blocked by: 1055352 1067069 1065816 1066049 1065787
1036884 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1036884: 10659
19 matches
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