Bug#503687: kicker won't hide immediately

2008-10-27 Thread Peter T. Breuer
Package: kicker Version: 4:3.5.10-0ubuntu1~hardy2 Severity: normal Kicker isn't playing peekaboo correctly. It's set to automatically hide itself immediately, but removing the mouse from it leaves it up there for seconds at a time. My impression is that at each trial it stays up there longer. Ch

Bug#503687: kicker won't hide immediately

2008-10-27 Thread Peter T. Breuer
"Also sprach Armin Berres:" > On Mon, 27 Oct 08 15:57, Peter T. Breuer wrote: > > Package: kicker > > Version: 4:3.5.10-0ubuntu1~hardy2 > >ek > > This is Debian... And this is ubuntu upgraded to de

Bug#503687: kicker won't hide immediately

2008-10-29 Thread Peter T. Breuer
Re: ii kicker 4:3.5.9.dfsg.1 desktop panel for KDE Bug still there in pure debian. And it's been isolated. "Also sprach ptb:" > If you're interested ... , it's a fault I've > observed before on wholly debian installations. It seems to come and Yerrs, I've now had a while in which to

Bug#504405: kicker sticks up and doesn't go away

2008-11-03 Thread Peter T. Breuer
Package: kicker Version: 4:3.5.9.dfsg.1-5 Severity: normal The problem isolates to the following change in my ./share/config/kickerrc, which triggers it: @@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ TintColor=199,151,185 TintValue=0 TrustedApplets=clockapplet,ksystemtrayapplet,krunapplet,quicklauncher,kminipage r

Bug#536207: klipper stops cut'n'paste from Eterm working

2009-07-08 Thread Peter T. Breuer
Package: klipper Version: 4:4.2.4-1+b1 Severity: normal A few weeks ago cut'n'paste in Eterm stopped working after a general upgrade and I initially ascribed the problem in my mind as being caused by the move to libc 2.9 and recent Eterms. That was cemented by the observation that cut'n'paste wo

Bug#536209: kicker only visible on first of three desktops

2009-07-08 Thread Peter T. Breuer
Package: kicker Version: 4:3.5.9.dfsg.1-6 Severity: normal The latest kicker (it was Ok a few daya ago, presumably before an upgrade) is only visible on the first of my three desktops. On the other two it is clearly present in some sense, because hovering the mouse on the bottom of the desktop br