Processed: Please check if bugs still apply; if not, close them

2008-11-14 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for [EMAIL PROTECTED]: > reassign 214319 libqt3-mt Bug#214319: libqt3c102-mt: does not parse xpm files correctly Warning: Unknown package 'libqt3c102-mt' Bug reassigned from package `libqt3c102-mt' to `libqt3-mt'. > reassign 301194 libqt3-mt Bug#301194: konqueror: Fails to ren

Processed: Please check if bugs still apply; if not, close them

2008-11-14 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for [EMAIL PROTECTED]: > reassign 242400 libarts1c2a Bug#242400: artsd hangs around after logout, preventing others from using 3D graphichs Warning: Unknown package 'libarts1' Bug reassigned from package `libarts1' to `libarts1c2a'. > reassign 243344 libarts1c2a Bug#243344: l

Processed: Please check if bugs still apply; if not, close them

2008-11-14 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for [EMAIL PROTECTED]: > reassign 283339 kdelibs4c2a Bug#283339: libimlib2: fails to load image plugins during runtime without .la files from -dev pkg Warning: Unknown package 'kdelibs4' Bug reassigned from package `kdelibs4' to `kdelibs4c2a'. > -- Stopping processing here.

web site

2008-11-14 Thread Lily Zey
Dear:Kfilereplace Are you interested in boosting your online business? Because your web site is strong but your web site visibility could be greatly improved. We would love to give you a free site review and show you how you could get more targeted web traffic to your site. Email us today

Bug#505770: korganizer: Create ToDo doesn't include the original email

2008-11-14 Thread Ritesh Raj Sarraf
Package: korganizer Version: 4:4.1.3-2 Severity: normal In earlier versions of kmail/korganizer, when a ToDO was created from an email, the email itself was also added to the newly created ToDo as an attachment. This was very helpful as you could, later, when completing the ToDo, be able to ref

RetroMessenger Linux for PC/Mobile 0.2 has been released

2008-11-14 Thread thomasasta
Hello RetroMessenger, the small tiny messenger gui for pc & mobile phones, has been released - for Linux. please test, thanks. Homepage: Download: Direct-Download: http://mesh.dl.sourcefo