Bug#1070638: kde-spectacle: Build-depends on NBS libkcolorpicker-dev

2024-05-06 Thread Scott Kitterman
On Mon, 06 May 2024 10:33:54 -0400 Scott Kitterman wrote: > Source: kde-spectacle > Version: 22.12.3-1 > Severity: serious > Tags: ftbfs > Justification: fails to build from source (but built successfully in the past) > > Once kcolorpicker is decrufted, this package will

Bug#1070638: kde-spectacle: Build-depends on NBS libkcolorpicker-dev

2024-05-06 Thread Scott Kitterman
Source: kde-spectacle Version: 22.12.3-1 Severity: serious Tags: ftbfs Justification: fails to build from source (but built successfully in the past) Once kcolorpicker is decrufted, this package will FTBFS. Please update your build-depends. Scott K

Bug#1068517: kate: request to backport patch for upstream bug 476307

2024-04-06 Thread Robert Scott
Package: kate Version: 4:22.12.3-1 Severity: normal Dear Maintainer, Upstream bug https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=476307 has been reported resolved by MR https://invent.kde.org/utilities/kate/-/merge_requests/1441 It would be extremely helpful if you were able to pull the patch back to b

Comments regarding flatpak-kcm_5.26.90-1_amd64.changes

2023-01-23 Thread Scott Kitterman
plicates apt's dependency resolution process, so it's better to remove it when not needed. Scott K

Re: okular_22.12.0-1_source.changes REJECTED

2022-12-12 Thread Scott Kitterman
. >This override was already present for the previous upload. > >The file detected by lintian is a test payload so I think it’s acceptable to >override the lintian error in this situation. > First thing I would check is to verify the override is detected by the version of lintian in Stable. That's the version that's used for this check. Scott K

Bug#1008033: please make a new upload leveraging recent Poppler

2022-03-20 Thread John Scott
Source: okular Version: 4:21.12.3-1 Severity: wishlist Okular and the version of Poppler now in unstable both support digital signing of PDFs, which is awesome. However, Okular checks at build time whether Poppler provides the functions necessary for PDF signing. It is sufficient to make a new no

Bug#981515: kcoreaddons: please replace fam with gamin

2022-01-03 Thread Scott Kitterman
what is really > not a priority. FTP team is caught up on removals. kcoreaddons is the last package keeping fam in the archive, so I would appreciate it if this could be resolved so we can just get rid of it. Scott K signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Bug#980318: cantor-backend-sage: Package description inaccurate: sagemath actually is available.

2021-01-17 Thread John Scott
Note that cantor-backend-sage doesn't work with the SageMath package right now due to #972346. Although caused by a change in Sage, I think it should be quite easy to work around in Cantor. Indeed, replacing /usr/share/cantor/sagebackend/cantor-execsage with just #!/usr/bin/sage --sh exec sage-ip

Bug#969360: Qt seccomp failure patch works

2020-09-03 Thread John Scott
Control: tags -1 - fixed-upstream On Wednesday, September 2, 2020 8:02:42 AM EDT Dmitry Shachnev wrote: > My guess is that we need this patch (not applied upstream yet) Thanks for the pointer, that patch applies cleanly and fixes the issue. > But that bug (QTBUG-81313) is already fixed in Qt 5.14

Bug#969360: Qt seccomp failure fixed upstream

2020-09-01 Thread John Scott
Control: forwarded -1 https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-81313 Control: tags -1 upstream fixed-upstream It turns out it is a clash both with Chromium (powers Qt WebEngine) and glibc. Check out the Red Hat bugs https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1812482 (Qt) https://bugzilla.redhat.com

Bug#967011: Bug#969360: libqt5webengine5: [i386] seccomp-bpf failure in syscall 0403 (clock_gettime64)

2020-09-01 Thread John Scott
Control: severity -1 serious Control: affects -1 konqueror (Forgot to send this to the bug; only sent to the submitter first time around.) On Tuesday, September 1, 2020 2:32:54 PM EDT you wrote: > I am pretty sure, the issue appeared with the change from 5.12 to 5.14, around 5th of july. Checked

Bug#936783: kcachegrind: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye

2020-07-06 Thread John Scott
Python 3 doesn't include hotshot, so the hotshot2calltree script should be dropped. Upstream still includes it but it doesn't appear to have seen any maintenance: https://invent.kde.org/sdk/kcachegrind/-/tree/master/converters signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Bug#963498: org.kde.kdeconnect_open.desktop": "*/*" is an invalid MIME type

2020-06-22 Thread John Scott
Package: kdeconnect Version: 20.04.2-1 Severity: minor Tags: upstream -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA256 I believe this was just introduced with 20.04.2-1. Updating the MIME info installing other packages prints Error in file "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.kdeconnect_open.desktop"

Bug#958747: libqt5texttospeech5 might should depend or recommend a speech plugin

2020-04-24 Thread John Scott
Package: libqt5texttospeech5 Version: 5.12.5-1 Severity: normal Tags: a11y Control: block 955762 by -1 Control: tags 955762 - patch Hi, I filed #955762 on Okular because if one doesn't have at least one of qtspeech5-flite-plugin or qtspeech5-speechd-plugin installed, the only error it prints is t

Bug#955762: okular: missing runtimeqtspeech5 dependencies inhibit text-to-speech

2020-04-04 Thread John Scott
Package: okular Version: 4:19.12.3-2 Severity: normal Tags: a11y -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA256 As remarked on this blog post [1] that tremendously helped me, Okular doesn't complain if you try using the text-to-speech features without the necessary libraries installed. It only s

Bug#949042: KMail doesn't show GPG's trustmodel/tofu information

2020-03-31 Thread John Scott
Control: reassign -1 kleopatra Control: affects -1 kmail Control: forwarded -1 https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=363309 Hello, I too would like to see KMail describe the information. I couldn't find a KMail-specific upstream bug, but found a Kleopatra bug about it which would probably fix it i

Bug#935415: kmail: Kmail with EWS does not receive mail

2020-03-30 Thread John Scott
Hi, Are you saying that the mail isn't fetched automatically, but manual syncing works okay? By chance, does it seem to ask for your password when KMail would normally remember others, or does it prompt an excessive number of times? https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=393002 signature.asc Descr

Bug#932597: some sites with SSL don't work; reassigning to Qt

2020-03-28 Thread John Scott
Control: reassign -1 src:qtwebengine-opensource-src Control: affects -1 konqueror kaccounts-config I've now noticed this appears to affect kaccounts-config also. I'm still unable to identify the specific cause of the bug, but my attempts to get at it with gdb indicate the culprit is probably Qt (n

Bug#954735: kde-telepathy-text-ui: Could not find the program 'kcmshell4' setting up plugins

2020-03-22 Thread John Scott
Package: kde-telepathy-text-ui Version: 17.08.3-2 Severity: normal -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA256 Searching 'Plugins' from the application menu one finds /usr/share/applications/kcm_ktp_chat_messages.desktop which has Exec=kcmshell4 kcm_ktp_message_filters and kcmshell4 doesn't

Bug#953187: kinfocenter: should recommend or suggest samba

2020-03-05 Thread John Scott
Source: kinfocenter Severity: normal -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA256 The Samba status monitor dialog is blank and says Error run smbstatus: execve: No such file or directory As the samba package description points out, Samba users need not have this package installed, so at leas

Bug#952060: libsignon-glib FTBFS: a few non-trivial ways to fix

2020-03-02 Thread John Scott
This is caused by GLib => 2.58 which was uploaded in September 2018 long ago. Likewise, libsignon-glib 1.12 lags behind upstream substantially. It's 2.1 and the disparity causes the patch to not apply. A cheap workaround might be to add a -Wno-error like is already done for some other deprecated

Bug#948940: Merge requests for FTBFS in Qt/KDE packages

2020-02-25 Thread John Scott
I have now prepared merge requests for fixing ktp-common-internals, ktp-accounts-kcm, and kaccounts-providers respectively [1] [2] [3]. These issues are all fixed in new upstream releases, but I am not comfortable with such an undertaking and hope these fixes will suffice in the meantime. [1] ht

Bug#951674: kalzium: molecular editor is not available

2020-02-19 Thread John Scott
Source: kalzium Severity: normal Control: forwarded -1 https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=416856 -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA256 I haven't narrowed down in what version this changed, but in Kalzium the Molecular Editor button appears to be greyed out on the toolbar. Invoking Kal

Bug#949236: ktp-common-internals FTBFS fixed upstream

2020-02-01 Thread John Scott
Control: forwarded -1 https://phabricator.kde.org/D25269 Control: tags -1 fixed-upstream patch Control: reassign 949238 src:ktp-common-internals Control: reassign 949239 src:ktp-common-internals Control: forcemerge -1 949238 949239 Control: affects -1 + src:ktp-text-ui Control: affects -1 + src:ktp

Bug#948940: kaccounts-providers FTBFS fixed upstream

2020-02-01 Thread John Scott
Control: forwarded -1 https://cgit.kde.org/kaccounts-providers.git/commit/?id=fd6b3ebf Control: tags -1 patch fixed-upstream This was caused by the newer version of Qt and builds with the patch. signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Bug#949237: ktp-accounts-kcm FTBFS fixed upstream

2020-01-29 Thread John Scott
Control: forwarded 949237 https://phabricator.kde.org/D25370 Control: tags 949237 patch fixed-upstream This was caused by the new telepathy-qt and the patch suffices for it to build on my system. #949239 in ktp-contacts-runner looks to be the same issue, but its git log is much less decipherable

Bug#949986: kaddressbook: chokes querying unresponsive LDAP server for eternity

2020-01-27 Thread John Scott
Package: kaddressbook Version: 4:19.08.3-1 Severity: normal -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA256 Filing against KAddressBook for now since I don't know what broke. Steps to reproduce: 1) do `nc -l -p 1999` to start a dummy LDAP server 2) in KAddressBook, go to Settings -> Configure K

Comments regarding plasma-thunderbolt_5.17.5-1_amd64.changes

2020-01-19 Thread Scott Kitterman
It's not something worth rejecting the package over, so I won't, but the package description is really short. Please consider if there is more information worth adding in a future upload. Scott K

Seeking sponsor for KHotKeys fix

2020-01-16 Thread John Scott
his fix, maybe as a deferred upload to allow some more time. Sincerely, John Scott [1] https://salsa.debian.org/qt-kde-team/kde/khotkeys/merge_requests/2 signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Bug#932597: konqueror: Some sites with SSL don't work (negotiation fails)

2020-01-10 Thread John Scott
This still affects 19.08.2, but strangely doesn't affect Falkon. I see Falkon depends on libssl1.1 but Konqueror doesn't. Could that be what makes the difference? signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Bug#948098: RM: blogilo -- FTBFS, uninstallable, abandoned upstream

2020-01-03 Thread John Scott
Package: release.debian.org User: release.debian@packages.debian.org Usertags: rm X-Debbugs-CC: debian-qt-kde@lists.debian.org, he...@debian.org Please remove Blogilo from unstable. It's been broken since Oct. 2018 when it couldn't be built for a KDE PIM transition and its dependencies are u

Bug#946327: khotkeys FTBFS

2020-01-02 Thread John Scott
Control: forwarded -1 https://salsa.debian.org/qt-kde-team/kde/khotkeys/merge_requests/2 Control: tags -1 patch This is fixed in KHotKeys 5.15.1. Alternatively, I've submitted a merge request to enable a potential new upload of 5.14.5 with the patch. signature.asc Description: This is a digital

Bug#946327: khotkeys FTBFS: fixed upstream

2019-12-31 Thread John Scott
Control: tags -1 fixed-upstream The package builds with the following two commits applied in order: https://cgit.kde.org/khotkeys.git/diff/?id=67fd8f06 https://cgit.kde.org/khotkeys.git/diff/?id=ae574373 The former one makes many changes, but appears to be related only due to removing a blank li

Bug#916076: kamoso: segmentation fault in GStreamer opening hamburger menu

2019-12-24 Thread John Scott
Control: tags -1 moreinfo I've upgraded to Bullseye and I'm still able to reproduce it. I've attached new backtraces: one from gdb and a longer one from Dr. Konqi#0 0x7fffdf974af3 in linear_to_ytiled (mem_copy_align16=, mem_copy=, swizzle_bit=, src_pitch=, src=0x7fffe02dbb90 "89A\37

Bug#916076: [Retesting] kamoso: segmentation fault in GStreamer opening hamburger menu

2019-12-14 Thread John Scott
On Sat, 14 Dec 2019 22:55:17 +0100 Aurélien COUDERC wrote: > Would you have the possibility to test again and comment here with more > information if the crash is still reproducible ? Sure, I've attached a backtrace done with 'bt full' on the older version that looks more comprehensible. I've

Bug#946618: DrKonqi handling large backtraces

2019-12-12 Thread John Scott
Control: forwarded -1 https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=248807 Control: tags -1 patch fixed-upstream Patch is at https://cgit.kde.org/drkonqi.git/commit/?id=c07434bf signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Bug#946636: kmail: no progress bar when sending e-mails

2019-12-12 Thread John Scott
Control: tags -1 upstream I'm not running KMail 19.08 at the moment so I can't check for sure, but this commit seems to suggest it's merely hidden by default now. https://cgit.kde.org/kmail.git/commit/?id=d055c1bb signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Bug#916076: kamoso: segmentation fault in GStreamer opening hamburger menu

2019-12-11 Thread John Scott
An easy way to reproduce it is by rapidly clicking the button while pressing escape to close the menu. I've attached a comprehensive backtrace. Help finding whatever package has the debugging symbols for /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ libgstvideo-1.0.so.0.1404.0 would be appreciated.Application: Kamo

Bug#928710: drkonqi segfaults

2019-12-11 Thread John Scott
Control: tags -1 patch They have a two line patch that fixes this upstream https://phabricator.kde.org/D21801 signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Bug#946618: drkonqi: please support large backtraces

2019-12-11 Thread John Scott
Package: drkonqi Version: 5.14.5-1 Severity: minor Tags: upstream -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA256 I have tried to report a bug in Kamoso just now, but unfortunately my backtrace is so huge Dr. Konqi doesn't like it. At 'Sending the Crash Report' it says Error sending the crash re

Bug#946365: kmail becomes unresponsive with active preview pane on wayland-plasma

2019-12-07 Thread John Scott
> Started kmail on wayland-plasma with active preview pane. The preview stays > black at the beginning. When e.g. hovering with the mouse over the preview, Do you see a black rectangle like in the image I've attached? That is https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=397825 . If not, try to get a scree

Bug#945147: KMail blank print

2019-11-21 Thread John Scott
reassign 945147 libqt5webengine5 forcemerge 919504 945147 This issue in Qt WebEngine and has been fixed in Debian unstable. As such, I'm closing this bug, though unfortunately the fix is unlikely to land in Buster. signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

syndication_5.62.0-2_amd64.changes REJECTED

2019-11-20 Thread Scott Kitterman
Uploader request. Scott K === Please feel free to respond to this email if you don't understand why your files were rejected, or if you upload new files which address our concerns.

Bug#907231: Ping - ktp-contact-list FTBFS

2019-11-15 Thread John Scott
ktp-contact-list has been kept out of testing for over a year, though this issue is fixed by the patch and new upstream version. If help is wanted with this, please let it be known.

Comments regarding md4c_0.2.7+git17-gb9fcd47-1_amd64.changes

2019-08-24 Thread Scott Kitterman
Please note that md2html/cmdline.{c,h} are not listed in d/copyright and are not under the Expat license. Since there's no license violation for it being missing, I'm going to go ahead and accept the package, but please clarify in your next upload. Scott K

Bug#932597: It's not just Konqueror

2019-08-21 Thread John Scott
cURL doesn't seem to like it either. $ curl "https://kb.iu.edu"; -v ... * successfully set certificate verify locations: * CAfile: none CApath: /etc/ssl/certs * TLSv1.3 (OUT), TLS handshake, Client hello (1): * TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS alert, handshake failure (552): * error:14094410:SS

Re: Security vulnerability in .desktop files

2019-08-09 Thread Scott Kitterman
d" file, which is found here - > https://twitter.com/zer0pwn/status/1158433002239746048 ? > What ticket should I follow and wait for being fixed ? > > With Best Regards, > Oleg K. Updated packages have been released now, so it should be simply a matter of applying available updates. Scott K

Bug#933278: kmail: Kmail printing Mails prints blank pages

2019-07-28 Thread Scott Kitterman
this problem too, but I hadn't gotten around to filing a bug. Scott K >-- System Information: >Debian Release: 10.0 > APT prefers stable > APT policy: (500, 'stable') >Architecture: amd64 (x86_64) >Foreign Architectures: i386

Bug#932597: konqueror: Some sites with SSL don't work

2019-07-20 Thread John Scott
Package: konqueror Version: 4:18.12.0-1 Severity: normal -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA256 I'm having a great deal of trouble debugging this, but I noticed it occurs on a couple of sites. Typing http://kb.iu.edu/, for example, into the address bar doesn't work. It yields these error

Bug#807471: [kde-config-telepathy-accounts] Jabber configuration unusable

2019-06-13 Thread John Scott
On Mon, 4 Jan 2016 16:00:11 +0100 =?UTF-8?Q?Luc_B=c3=a9gault?= wrote: > You can close this bug, I was missing the telepathy-gabble package. > Sorry for the inconvenience. I just ran into this issue too, and I think it should be made a Depends or Recommends of the package seeing as it's needed. T

Bug#888152: kontact: Kontact crashed each time when closing.

2019-06-07 Thread John Scott
On Sat, 04 May 2019 14:17:38 -0400 John Scott wrote: > Kontact closes normally for me, but it does crash when I end my session by > trying to log out. > I'd appreciate tips on how I can debug this further. It looks like my issue with Kontact crashing was fixed upst

Bug#925406: Plasma web browser widget

2019-05-26 Thread John Scott
This affects the Web browser widget too.

Bug#888152: kontact: Kontact crashed each time when closing.

2019-05-05 Thread John Scott
Kontact closes normally for me, but it does crash when I end my session by trying to log out. DrKonqi opens up and generates a backtrace, but doesn't do so quickly enough for me to save it before my session ends. I'd appreciate tips on how I can debug this further. signature.asc Description: Th

Bug#927940: [Windows Subsystem for Linux] Applications cannot find libQt5Core.so.5

2019-04-25 Thread Scott Kitterman
#x27;m not one of the Qt maintainers, so I'm not going to change the status of the bug, but I think the correct thing to do is to close it. No Debian issue here. Scott K

Bug#924687: akregator: tabs crash interacting with particular sites

2019-04-14 Thread John Scott
Package: akregator Version: 4:18.08.3-2 Followup-For: Bug #924687 It appears for the crash to happen that the site must be loaded in a tab. Even if the site is loaded in full, the crash doesn't occur if using it from the Articles tab. That being said, disabling JavaScript doesn't make a differenc

Bug#926618: RFP: webext-plasma-integration -- provides integration of web browsers with the Plasma desktop

2019-04-07 Thread John Scott
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA512 * Package name: webext-plasma-integration Version : 1.4 Upstream Author : Kai Uwe Broulik * URL : https://community.kde.org/Plasma/Browser_Integration * License : GPL 3 Programm

Bug#841762: kdeconnectd dies as soon as mobile device tries to connect

2019-04-04 Thread John Scott
Package: kdeconnect Version: 1.3.3-2 Followup-For: Bug #841762 -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA512 I've reproduced this crash today. One factor - which may merely be a red herring - is that my devices on the network didn't have Internet access. They were both blocked by network login

Bug#915319: Further triaging

2019-03-30 Thread Scott Kitterman
ix the problem. I can NMU if this is ok for >you. Probably it is not the cleanest solution ever (if would be better >to fix CMake files from kdelibs5-dev), but it seems to work. > >Thanks, Giovanni. Is there anything left in the archive that uses this functionality? Scott K

Bug#925406: plasma-widgets-addons: Dictionary needs qml-module-qtwebengine

2019-03-24 Thread John Scott
Package: plasma-widgets-addons Version: 4: Severity: normal -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA512 Adding the Dictionary widget to my desktop yielded Error loading QML file: file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma_applet_dict/contents/ui/main.qml:5:1: module "QtWebE

Bug#924687: akregator: tabs crash interacting with particular sites

2019-03-15 Thread John Scott
Package: akregator Version: 4:18.08.3-2 Severity: important -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA512 In my case, Akregator crashes when I open web pages and interact with buttons on them. An example I can share is Purism's RSS feed, https://puri.sm/feed/ Open a post by an author that has

Bug#922000: src:kauth: Symbols file out of date

2019-02-10 Thread Scott Kitterman
hould be updated, but I'm not sure the correct solution, so not touching it for the security update. Scott K

Bug#921995: kauth: Insecure handling of arguments in helpers

2019-02-10 Thread Scott Kitterman
Package: src:kauth Version: 5.28.0-2 Severity: grave Tags: security upstream patch Justification: user security hole See the KDE announce list [1]. It includes reference to a fix [2]. This is CVE-2019-7443. Scott K [1] https://mail.kde.org/pipermail/kde-announce/2019-February/11.html [2

Bug#905697: Info received (Bug#905697: kdepimlibs: don't depend on libical)

2019-02-09 Thread Scott Kitterman
I think the only API change that's relevant might be: is_utc to icaltime_is_utc() in icaltimetype For anyonne with a non-trivial C++ knowledge (i.e. not me), I suspect this wouldn't be too hard. Scott K

Bug#905697: kdepimlibs: don't depend on libical

2019-02-08 Thread Scott Kitterman
What about porting it to libical3? That might be easier. I tried to build it and it does need some changes, but I don't think keeping libical2 is feasible. See the attached for the error. Scott K On Friday, February 08, 2019 10:46:21 PM Sandro Knauß wrote: > Hey, > > for me

Re: Bug#784479: [kde4libs] Qt4's WebKit removal

2019-01-23 Thread Scott Kitterman
On Tuesday, January 15, 2019 11:03:33 AM Scott Kitterman wrote: > On January 15, 2019 7:17:36 AM UTC, Pino Toscano wrote: > >In data lunedì 14 gennaio 2019 12:22:52 CET, Scott Kitterman ha > > > >scritto: > >> On Thu, 01 Nov 2018 14:04:12 -0300 Lisandro > >

Bug#784479: [kde4libs] Qt4's WebKit removal

2019-01-15 Thread Scott Kitterman
On January 15, 2019 7:17:36 AM UTC, Pino Toscano wrote: >In data lunedì 14 gennaio 2019 12:22:52 CET, Scott Kitterman ha >scritto: >> On Thu, 01 Nov 2018 14:04:12 -0300 Lisandro >> =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Dami=E1n_Nicanor_P=E9rez?= Meyer > wrote: >> > On Wed, 17 Oct 201

Bug#919334: kde-standard: Please add kleopatra to Depends

2019-01-14 Thread Scott Kitterman
message in kmail, let's just make it work by adding kleopatra to kde-standard. Scott K

Bug#784479: [kde4libs] Qt4's WebKit removal

2019-01-14 Thread Scott Kitterman
gs for kde-runtime, since the patch for it was already discussed in this bug, I thought we might as well keep them together. Scott Kdiff -Nru kde4libs-4.14.38/debian/changelog kde4libs-4.14.38/debian/changelog --- kde4libs-4.14.38/debian/changelog 2018-12-01 08:29:23.0 -0500 +++

Bug#916076: kamoso: segmentation fault in GStreamer opening hamburger menu

2018-12-09 Thread John Scott
Package: kamoso Version: 18.04.0-3 Severity: normal -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA512 I'm unable to dig into the code and narrow down the issue at the moment, but filing the bug nonetheless should others run into it or have input. With or without a webcam, trying to open the menu i

Re: Bug#631769: [Debconf-devel] Bug#631769: New Kde frontend based on debconf-kde-helper

2018-07-25 Thread Scott Kitterman
y > > potentially making it possible to get rid of KDE special-casing). > > Great, thanks a lot to you both. I've uploaded debconf 1.5.69 now to > remove the old Qt frontend. I've filed the rm bugs for qt4-perl and smokeqt. This was the last thing preventing their removal. Scott K

Bug#887687: libsmokeqt4-dev: broken symlinks and causes qt4-perl FTBFS

2018-06-28 Thread Scott Kitterman
I had hoped to work on this this week. It hasn't happened and it's not going to. In the end, I the Qt4 stuff has to go, so I wouldn't wait on this for the transition. Scott K On June 28, 2018 1:23:31 PM UTC, "Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer" wrote: >El miérc

Comments regarding kio-gdrive_1.2.2-1_amd64.changes

2018-04-13 Thread Scott Kitterman
The included cmake module is GPL-3+, but there's no GPL-3+ COPYING file included. This is not strictly a rejection issue, so I am going to accept the pacakge, but you should ask upstream to include a full copy of the license in future releases. Scott K

Comments regarding qt5ct_0.34-1_amd64.changes

2018-01-19 Thread Scott Kitterman
just package bloat. Come up with a solution for environment variable setting other than manual user edits. (policy 9.9) Scott K

qtdeclarative-opensource-src_5.10.0-1_amd64.changes REJECTED

2018-01-12 Thread Scott Kitterman
have to reject this package. Please give the licenses and copyright statements a good scrub and re-upload. Scott K === Please feel free to respond to this email if you don't understand why your files were rejected, or if you upload new files which address our concerns.

Comments regarding qttools-opensource-src_5.9.2-5_amd64.changes

2018-01-12 Thread Scott Kitterman
Copyright statements for The Qt Company Ltd in the package are 2016 and 2017 vice 2015 and 2016 as listed in debian/copyright. Please update this for your next upload. Scott K

Re: Cannot build OpenGL application on Qt5 on armel/hf

2017-09-18 Thread Scott Kitterman
That's the intended behavior. There isn't a reasonable way around it. You'll either need to port it to use GL ES or disable it on these archs. Scott K On September 18, 2017 5:50:24 PM EDT, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz wrote: >Hi! > >I have uploaded a new version of v

Bug#864967: parley: Recommends python-kde4 which is to be removed for Buster

2017-09-10 Thread Scott Kitterman
On Sun, 18 Jun 2017 01:33:55 -0400 Scott Kitterman wrote: > Package: parley > Version: 4:16.08.3-1 > Severity: important > > Dear Maintainer, > > During the Buster development cycle Qt4 is going to be removed. As a > result, PyQt4 and PyKDE4 will be removed as well. T

Bug#875153: [qtruby] Future Qt4 removal from Buster

2017-09-09 Thread Scott Kitterman
kde@lists.debian.org > > The removal is being tracked in <https://wiki.debian.org/Qt4Removal> > > Lisandro, > on behalf of the Qt4 maintainers No rdepends, so went ahead and requested removal. Scott K

Bug#874983: [konsole4] Future Qt4 removal from Buster

2017-09-09 Thread Scott Kitterman
eam at debian-qt-kde@lists.debian.org > > The removal is being tracked in <https://wiki.debian.org/Qt4Removal> > > Lisandro, > on behalf of the Qt4 maintainers Can be removed one the new kile is released/packaged. Scott K

Bug#784511: [pykde4] Qt4's WebKit removal

2017-08-26 Thread Scott Kitterman
On Wed, 6 May 2015 15:26:52 +0200 Ana Guerrero Lopez wrote: > Source: pykde4 > Version: 4:4.14.0-1 > Severity: wishlist > User: debian-qt-kde@lists.debian.org > Usertags: qt4webkit-removal > > Dear Debian Qt/KDE Maintainers , > > As you might know we the Qt/KDE team are preparing to remove Qt4's

Re: breeze-icons_5.36.0-1_amd64.changes is NEW

2017-07-13 Thread Scott Kitterman
hink it would be much better if you would push your commits when you upload to New and then either tag on accept or amend, push, and reupload on reject. That would make the git repository the single place to look for the current status of the package. I hope I misunderstood because I don

Bug#865861: python-kde4: Qtwebkit not available breaks importing plasma module

2017-06-25 Thread Scott Kitterman
t. The WebKit removal was intentional due to lack of upstream support and known security vulnerabilities. Scott K

Comments regarding qtdeclarative-opensource-src_5.9.0-1_amd64.changes

2017-06-19 Thread Scott Kitterman
I am going to accept your package, but I did notice one small (non-fatal) error in debian/copyright. The copyright year for tests/auto/qml/qqmlxmlhttprequest/data/send_patch.qml is now listed as 2017 vice 2016. Please update your debian/copyright for the next upload. Scott K

Bug#864967: parley: Recommends python-kde4 which is to be removed for Buster

2017-06-17 Thread Scott Kitterman
to be ported to Qt5 (Kf5 Python bindings are not available yet, but they are expected to be packaged early in the Buster development cycle). Scott K

Bug#864965: kajongg: Depends on python-kde4 which is to be removed for Buster

2017-06-17 Thread Scott Kitterman
to be ported to Qt5 (Kf5 Python bindings are not available yet, but they are expected to be packaged early in the Buster development cycle). Scott K

Bug#856004: khtml: please build-depen on libssl1.0-dev for Stretch

2017-02-26 Thread Scott Kitterman
ved. > >Lisandro, maybe just dropping the build dependency on libssl-dev would >be >the best option if it's actually not used at all? We shouldn't be changing the way a package builds during freeze. It was last built with openssl 1.0, so that's what we should have for now. Scott K

Bug#856004: khtml: please build-depen on libssl1.0-dev for Stretch

2017-02-25 Thread Scott Kitterman
seen it crash due to this? Kf5 (including khtml) need to use the same version of openssl as Qt5, which is 1.0 for this cycle. Whether crashes have been seen or not, trying to mix openssl 1.0 and 1.1 in the same stack seems foolhardy. Scott K signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: Help needed: KDE partition manager

2016-12-25 Thread Scott Kitterman
On Saturday, December 24, 2016 11:19:35 PM Jonathan Carter wrote: > Hi Scott > > On 24/12/2016 23:06, Jonathan Carter (highvoltage) wrote: > > On 24/12/2016 23:04, Scott Kitterman wrote: > >> Did you test if it actually works correctly? That's been the key > >

Re: Help needed: KDE partition manager

2016-12-24 Thread Scott Kitterman
On Saturday, December 24, 2016 11:01:30 PM Jonathan Carter wrote: > Hi Debian Qt/KDE Maintainers! > (cc Scott and Gianfranco) > > I made quite a few changes in update partitionmanager from version 1 to 3. > > https://mentors.debian.net/package/partitionmanager > > Change

Comments regarding qbs_1.7.0+dfsg-1_amd64.changes

2016-12-23 Thread Scott Kitterman
I am going to accept your package, but there is one debian/copyright issue that should be fixed in the next upload. In tests/auto/blackbox/ tst_clangdb.cpp, the copyright attribution for Christian Gagneraud is missing. Please add that for your next upload. Scott K

qtwebengine-opensource-src_5.7.1~20161021+dfsg-1_amd64.changes REJECTED

2016-12-22 Thread Scott Kitterman
In some cases, it seems these might be the preferred form of modification. I found: https://github.com/GoogleChrome/chrome-platform-analytics/blob/master/google-analytics-bundle.js If these are truly not used, just remove them from the tarball and re-upload. Scott K === Please feel free to

Bug#805612: akonadi-backend-mysql: It should depend on mysql-server-core but not mysql-client-core

2016-11-22 Thread Scott Kitterman
It says fix, not remove. This should probably be default-mysql-client-core (unless this is through shlibs depends, in which case it will be mariadb-client-core-10.0, when built against default-libmysqlclient-dev). Scott K On November 22, 2016 12:16:22 PM EST, "Sandro Knauß" w

syntax-highlighting_5.27.0~git20161015-1_amd64.changes REJECTED

2016-11-19 Thread Scott Kitterman
Source package renamed to ksyntax-highlighting since syntax-highlighting seemed to generic. === Please feel free to respond to this email if you don't understand why your files were rejected, or if you upload new files which address our concerns.

Bug#828363: kde4libs: FTBFS with openssl 1.1.0

2016-11-18 Thread Scott Kitterman
kde4libs FTBFS because >it blocks archive rebuilds or the bootstrapping of new architectures. I think we should wait and see what the release team has to say about the transition first. They are apparently cooking something up. Scott K

Bug#838734: fixed in plasma-discover 5.8.3-1

2016-11-10 Thread Scott Kitterman
This is currently blocked from migrating to Testing by the Qt5.7.1 transition. Eventually, we'll get there. Scott K

Comments regarding prison-kf5_5.27.0~git20160918-1_amd64.changes

2016-10-21 Thread Scott Kitterman
It's not a problem from an FTP team perspective, but you might mention to upstream that cmake/COPYING-CMAKE-SCRIPTS isn't needed in the upstream tarball since both of the CMake scripts have the license in the individual file (which I understand is the preferred method for KDE projects no

Bug#840546: Stable Debdiff For CVE-2016-7966/kdepimlibs

2016-10-12 Thread Scott Kitterman
On Wednesday, October 12, 2016 09:36:13 PM Salvatore Bonaccorso wrote: > Hi Scott, > > On Wed, Oct 12, 2016 at 02:56:06PM -0400, Scott Kitterman wrote: > > Proposed update attached. It is the exact upstream commit that resolved > > this issue upstream (relevant code is uncha

Bug#840546: KMail: HTML injection in plain text viewer

2016-10-12 Thread Scott Kitterman
Package: kdepimlibs Version: 4:4.4.5-2 Severity: grave Tags: security patch upstream Justification: user security hole KDE Project Security Advisory = Title: KMail: HTML injection in plain text viewer Risk Rating:Important CVE:CVE-2016-7966 Pla

Re: calligra-l10n_2.9.11-1_amd64.changes is NEW

2016-10-10 Thread Scott Kitterman
of the time I've had recently (admittedly not a lot) to work on FTP matters has been absorbed by distractions such as maintainers whining to the Tech Committee rather than just getting on with doing the work that needs to be done. See [1] if you're curious. Spending time on things li

Comments regarding kwin_5.8.0-1_amd64.changes

2016-10-08 Thread Scott Kitterman
/drm_object_plane.cpp:Copyright (C) 2016 Roman Gilg plugins/platforms/drm/drm_object_crtc.h:Copyright (C) 2016 Roman Gilg plugins/platforms/drm/drm_object_plane.h:Copyright (C) 2016 Roman Gilg Scott K

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