Hey mom&dad,
Just wanted to write you and let you know how that de_gree program I
tried out went...
Well 2 weeks later, I graduated, & finished my masters in less then 2 weeks
with No Study Required and 1_0_0_% Verifiable!
Yeah, I know you guys doubted it at first,but this turned out to b
Hey mom&dad,
Just wanted to write you and let you know how that de_gree program I
tried out went...
Well 2 weeks later, I graduated, & finished my masters in less then 2 weeks
with No Study Required and 1_0_0_% Verifiable!
Yeah, I know you guys doubted it at first,but this turned out to b
Package: kaudiocreator
Version: 4:3.3.2-1
Tags: patch
This package needs a manpage. I join it.
Description: Troff document
This bug is pretty annoying. I can edit config files by hand, but it's
sometimes difficult to do, if you don't know exactly what to enter there...
Steps to reproduce:
1. Run KDE control centre
2. Select any module requiring administrator privileges (e.g. login manager)
3. Click on Administrator
package: kpdf
version: 3.4.2-2
severity: important
http://www.uni-hildesheim.de/~mrei0999/linuxtag05/debian-women.pdf includes a
transparent png on page 56 which is not displayed correctly using kpdf.
xpdf 3.01 from sid and acroread (non-free) display the pdf and the image
within correctly
Processing commands for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> severity 318658 important
Bug#318658: quanta truncates targets of symlinks to empty files (0 bytes)
Severity set to `important'.
> stop
Stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assistance.
Debian bug tracking system administrator
severity 318658 important
I'm lowering the severity of thi bug, for several reasons.
1) It blocks kdewebdev from testing, even though the old testing package
(reportedly) was the version with the problem.
2) It isn't clear that the problem is really in quanta at all, as the sftp
7 matches
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