Re: [nm-admin] Identification step in the current scheme (Re: Fear the new maintainer process)

2000-08-02 Thread Richard Braakman
rettym uch the > same. In such cases the sponsor is still fully responsible for the package, and from the project's point of view is the one accountable for it. Richard Braakman -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: New Front Desk members

2005-02-01 Thread Richard Braakman
. It's a terrible language for purity. :) > > A nit: y'all is singular. "all y'all" is plural. Notherners > often get this wrong. Hmm. In my experience in Houston, the singular was y'all and the plural was y'alls. Could this be region-specific? O

Re: debai app

2005-02-03 Thread Richard Braakman
rated similar work done by others. Richard Braakman -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Getting rid of section "base" ?

1999-11-28 Thread Richard Braakman
s ugly > thing ASAP, and I'll be happy to be one of the first to do so with my > packages currently using this "section". I'd love to get rid of it; it would save work for the FTP admins. Richard Braakman

Re: Submitting bugs ? (Was: Getting rid of section "base" ?)

1999-12-05 Thread Richard Braakman
taking 'base' out of 'known_sections' should be sufficient. > > BTW: why is the lintian 'unkown-section' tag only Type: warning, while the > 'priority-unkown' tag is Type: error ? Because the policy manual says to look in the ftp archive to find

Re: Submitting bugs ? (Was: Getting rid of section "base" ?)

1999-12-05 Thread Richard Braakman
tools utils ? Definitely utils. > pcmcia-csutils ? > pcmcia-modules-* utils ? Perhaps leave these in "base" too. Richard Braakman

Re: Release?

1999-12-12 Thread Richard Braakman
NNOT freeze until the new master is online. Richard Braakman


2001-01-30 Thread Richard Braakman
f an acknowledgement than a decision. I haven't done any of the work for those tasks in quite some time, and by now I'm out of touch with the procedures. I've also developed a distaste for project-wide tasks. I'm going to quietly maintain a few packages from now on. Richard Braakman

Petition against software patents

2001-04-06 Thread Richard Braakman
within the scope of the project's goals. Richard Braakman

Re: Kernel

2001-11-15 Thread Richard Braakman
ut which is not free. Richard Braakman

Re: Spam

2002-03-06 Thread Richard Braakman
ir idea of spam corresponds to yours? Do you really think they will stop there, once they have a solid precedent for legislating against unpopular content on the net? -- Richard Braakman Will write free software for money. See

Re: Fwd: Is it possible to unsubscribe from the debian-users list?

2002-05-08 Thread Richard Braakman
Note that for a long time I had a similar problem, until I went "duh" and realized that the address I subscribed with is not the address I send mail from. Adding the right address to the unsubscribe line and funging the From header did the trick. Richard Braakman -- To UNSUBSCRIBE

Re: "Bug of the month", or how to get people fixing bugs

2002-09-01 Thread Richard Braakman
gs fixed, and doing it faster will not help their score. A hasty NMU will just increase the chance of the bug being reopened (or otherwise contested), which is bad for their score. (Hmm, I wonder if they system should treat delayed NMUs the same way it treats pending tags, to avoid hasty uploads on the 31st.) Richard Braakman

Re: Is Debian going to support Sincere Choice?

2002-09-10 Thread Richard Braakman
policies upon others. I have no idea what they mean with this. Any meaning I can think of is already covered by one of the other articles. What kind of "force their policies" is deprecated here? If I say, "I will only work for organizations that endorse free software&q

Re: Debian as a social group and how to develop it better

2002-12-02 Thread Richard Braakman
y the same road layout, so that users only need to buy one map. Richard Braakman

Re: OpenSSL

2003-03-03 Thread Richard Braakman
one language properly. You can help non-native speakers by using correct and conventional English, which will be closer to what they learned in school and is easier to look up in a dictionary. Richard Braakman

Re: about spils

2003-03-27 Thread Richard Braakman
te at either or, so I guess they're still having problems. -- Richard Braakman Debian Developer

Re: Why are these packages in Debian?

2003-04-06 Thread Richard Braakman
e reason. bible-kjv is a program for searching through bible-kjv-text, it's there for the same reasons that any other free software program is. (By the way, please wrap your lines at about 70 characters, and use a mailer that preserves threading information. Your mails are painful to read and reply to.) Richard Braakman

Re: Why are these packages in Debian?

2003-04-06 Thread Richard Braakman
On Sun, Apr 06, 2003 at 05:07:47AM -0700, David Nusinow wrote: > Are the ideas in these packages xenophobic? Heh, if we were going to reject packages with xenophobic ideas, we'd lose most of the games. xgalaga, anyone? Richard Braakman

Re: Why are these packages in Debian?

2003-04-07 Thread Richard Braakman
ot; (as written in the Debian Free > Software Guidelines), and that's not the duty of an operating sytem. The DFSG is not meant to apply at this level. The DFSG lists freedoms that we want our users to have. We don't necessarily want to use these freedoms ourselves. For example, we have the freedom to fork the development of our packages, but we try to avoid doing that. Richard Braakman

Re: Why are these packages in Debian?

2003-04-07 Thread Richard Braakman
reinforce the idea that beings who are strange or ugly are automatically evil and hostile. This doesn't bother me, though. A game can present ideas but it can't force them on people.[2] Like a wise man said[3], if the games we played when we were kids affected us, we'd now be running

Re: Why are these packages in Debian?

2003-04-08 Thread Richard Braakman
simply the fear of strangers, or fear of the strange. > > Excuse me. An error in my dictionnary. I wanted to say "racism" instead. Oh, good. I was afraid that one of my favourite words had been hijacked by some political movement :) Richard Braakman

Re: Unidentified subject!

2003-07-24 Thread Richard Braakman
SCO's bankruptcy announcement. If you're still worried, I suggest that you get a Linux license from SCO. You can get one for free at Richard Braakman

Re: Debian Weekly News - August 19th, 2003

2003-08-25 Thread Richard Braakman
to be one of nailing down what the actual area of disagreement is. > (In fact, I suspect that all "silent majority" claims are unfalsifiable > by definition.) Not if you can corner a piece of that majority, poll it, and extrapolate the poll results. Richard Braakman