Re: CoC / procedural abuse

2014-09-05 Thread Don Armstrong
ividuals banned. If the individual in question wants the ban to be disclosed publicly, they can email listmaster@, and we will do so. -- Don Armstrong Rule 6: "If violence wasn't your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it."

Re: CoC / procedural abuse

2014-09-07 Thread Don Armstrong
On Fri, 05 Sep 2014, Don Armstrong wrote: > Mailing list bans are not done in public to avoid harming the > reputation of the individuals banned. If the individual in question > wants the ban to be disclosed publicly, they can email listmaster@, > and we will do so. Zenaan Harkness re

Re: CoC / procedural abuse

2014-09-08 Thread Don Armstrong
On Mon, 08 Sep 2014, Jakub Wilk wrote: > * Don Armstrong , 2014-09-05, 10:04: > >If anything more than a warning occurs, it is announced on > >debian-private@, which enables Debian Developers to review the actions > >that listmaster@ has taken, and override them via GR. >

Re: CoC / procedural abuse

2014-09-18 Thread Don Armstrong
remember to remove a ban at a specific time without being prompted. The whole purpose of bans and warnings is to stop unwelcome behavior on Debian infrastructure. -- Don Armstrong The computer allows you to make mistakes faster than any other invent

Re: CoC / procedural abuse

2014-09-18 Thread Don Armstrong
On Thu, 18 Sep 2014, Francesco Ariis wrote: > On Thu, Sep 18, 2014 at 12:13:55PM -0700, Don Armstrong wrote: > > I generally don't place specific time limits, because I don't believe > > in punitive action... > > I'd consider a ban without length limitation is

Re: CoC / procedural abuse

2014-09-19 Thread Don Armstrong
g and unbanning on the based of a passed message, then I believe listmaster@ (or at least, I) would be willing to write up a specification for the software. x -- Don Armstrong Sometimes I wish I could take back all my mistakes but then I think what i

Re: CoC / procedural abuse

2014-09-19 Thread Don Armstrong
On Fri, 19 Sep 2014, Ean Schuessler wrote: > Can we just generate that procmail file or at least the section in > question? Not easily, no. -- Don Armstrong "Do you need [...] [t]ools? Stuff?" "Our opponent is an alien

Re: CoC / procedural abuse

2014-09-22 Thread Don Armstrong
On Mon, 22 Sep 2014, Mason Loring Bliss wrote: > On Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 11:08:11PM -0700, Don Armstrong wrote: > > On Fri, 19 Sep 2014, Ean Schuessler wrote: > > > Can we just generate that procmail file or at least the section in > > > question? > > > >

Re: How to add avatar image to BTS?

2014-10-17 Thread Don Armstrong
email address has configured a federated libravatar service, in which case you'll have to add it to whatever server you use to serve avatars from. perl -MLibravatar::URL -e 'print libravatar_url(email => q(,default=>404)' is basically what the BTS does, so

Re: How to add avatar image to BTS?

2014-10-17 Thread Don Armstrong
address. Could this be > used as well? Yep; we just do it based on e-mail address with libravatar as the fallback in case you don't have a federated libravatar setup. -- Don Armstrong There is no form of lead-poisoning which more rapid

Re: How to add avatar image to BTS?

2014-10-17 Thread Don Armstrong
On Fri, 17 Oct 2014, Andreas Tille wrote: > On Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 10:52:07AM -0700, Don Armstrong wrote: > > We actually have a fully federated setup, so something as simple as what > > Sune did will work: > > > > > > In other wo

Re: How to add avatar image to BTS?

2014-10-18 Thread Don Armstrong
On Sat, 18 Oct 2014, Paul Wise wrote: > libravatar already falls back on gravatar. I only have gravatar setup > and bugs.d.o shows my gravatar. Ah, cool. I wasn't sure if that worked if you only asked for the MD5 from libravatar. Good to know. -- Don Armstrong

Re: draft alternative proposal: fix problem at the root

2014-12-03 Thread Don Armstrong
On Thu, 04 Dec 2014, Michael Gilbert wrote: > Doesn't that require constitutional change? The current powers as > written make the TC a decision-making body, not a mediation body. Not really, because it doesn't take any constitutional powers to try to mediate. -

Re: About the recent DD retirements

2015-01-23 Thread Don Armstrong
ackages, too. 1: I mean, I've already done this myself for parts of CRAN. -- Don Armstrong But if, after all, we are on the wrong track, what then? Only disappointed human hopes, nothing more. And even if we perish, what will it matter in the en

Re: About the recent DD retirements

2015-01-23 Thread Don Armstrong
t modified it and built the results.] > Probably also wants an additional db tracking what upstream > commit/whatever was converted to which Debian-ised version. Right. > [1] Oh, dude! I finally thought of a possible rename for britney: > pro-test as in promotion to testing.

Re: cran2deb is back! Was: About the recent DD retirements

2015-01-26 Thread Don Armstrong
On Mon, 26 Jan 2015, Yaroslav Halchenko wrote: > On Fri, 23 Jan 2015, Don Armstrong wrote: > > Just to piggyback here, has about 8.6k of these > > packages (bioc, cran, and omegahat). > > Just kudos, Dan, for reviving the deb2cran initiative! > &

Re: Learning from FreeBSD's mistakes

2017-02-06 Thread Don Armstrong
issued has appropriate consequences for any of the parts of Debian whose governance I participate in. 1: For example, some venues may not allow prior restraint or have other specific legal requirements which must be met to legally exclude someone. -- Don Armstrong https://www.

Re: Learning from FreeBSD's mistakes [and 1 more messages]

2017-02-06 Thread Don Armstrong
ble to communicate fairly effectively and implement consequences fairly rapidly. Even if antiharassment@ was given the authority to establish consequences directly, it would still require action of the teams in question to enact those consequences. -- Don Armstrong

Re: contacting Debian is too easy to get wrong

2017-03-21 Thread Don Armstrong
o contact at Debian --> and allow any DD to be on the alias (or have a web form or whatever). -- Don Armstrong More than any other time in history, mankind faces a crossroads. One path leads to despair and u

Re: Learning from FreeBSD's mistakes

2017-03-28 Thread Don Armstrong
all of the social solutions,[1] but they're time consuming and hard to enact. 1: From internal communication, to mediation, to CTTE deciding maintenance, to expulsion. -- Don Armstrong [A] theory is falsifiable [(and therefore scientific) on

Re: producing, distributing, storing Debian t-shirts

2017-04-30 Thread Don Armstrong
On Sun, 30 Apr 2017, Sebastiaan Couwenberg wrote: > There is also a lot of demand for laptop stickers, which I haven't had > made yet, but am considering. I was hoping to go in with a group of people on some hexagonal laptop stickers, myself. -- Don Armstrong

Re: Bug#856139: certspotter: long description advertises commercial service

2017-08-08 Thread Don Armstrong
hile the non-free alternative may be > mentioned (or not, depending on what users need). An important counterpoint is that the long description helps with the discoverability of a package. Mentioning a famous non-free service helps users discover the package and also notice that there are free al

Re: Let's Stop Getting Torn Apart by Disagreement: Concerns about the Technical Committee

2017-10-28 Thread Don Armstrong
rry if you felt that you were being unfairly maligned, but this was addressed previously: -- Don Armstrong "Old hypotheses never really die, they're

Re: Appropriate escalation (or non-escalation) re rude emails

2017-10-30 Thread Don Armstrong
ad, I just Cc: everyone else who is on the role so they know what I've said, and can act if there's abuse. 1: At least, when I want to speak with my listmaster@ or owner@ hat on, that's what I do. -- Don Armstrong Nearly all men

Re: Conflict escalation and discipline

2018-04-17 Thread Don Armstrong
n case leader@ was involved?] Such individuals would have the ability and knowledge to involve the existing levers of power (TC, DAM, leader@, anti-harassment etc.) if escalation was required. -- Don Armstrong [A] theory is falsifiable [(and there

Re: Conflict escalation and discipline

2018-04-18 Thread Don Armstrong
ion is certainly *one* part of what is needed, but also > *conciliation* and *arbitration*. I don't expect the adversarial process to resolve our occasional breakdowns in communication. At most it will produce winners and losers. -- Don Armstrong

Re: Standing behind GNOME Foundation against Rothschild Patent Imaging LLC?

2019-09-28 Thread Don Armstrong
undation against this attack on a cherished sister project of ours > and, by extension, on free software in general? I concur, especially as Debian also distributes shotwell. -- Don Armstrong "She decided what she wished to happen and

Re: Abusive language on Debian lists

2021-04-16 Thread Don Armstrong
an't recall a case of listmaster@ actually enforcing the prohibition of profanity, and I'm unaware of anyone actually using packet radio for receiving listmail anymore. [If they are, I really hope it's encrypted.] -- Don Armstrong Vimes

Re: debian-private declassification team (looking for one)

2010-05-22 Thread Don Armstrong
either aren't interesting enough to bother publishing, or are on topics that such a large number of people will want their messages redacted, that it's kind of useless.) Don Armstrong -- Some pirates achieved immortality by great deeds of cruelty or derring-do. Some achieved immortality

Re: The role of debian-private

2010-06-09 Thread Don Armstrong
be asked nicely to raise the subject in an appropriate mailing list and continue the discussion there. [And if the argument against moving it to the appropriate mailing list is because no one is subscribed to that mailing list, then no one cares about that topic anyway and the flogging should stop

Re: Support timeframe

2010-06-23 Thread Don Armstrong
> provide a patch policy for our appliance. If it's something that you need security support for longer, you can certainly hire someone to continue security support (and any other backported fixes) to lenny, and possibly band together with others who need the same. Don Armstrong -- If eve

Re: debian-private declassification team (looking for one)

2010-06-25 Thread Don Armstrong
eads in -private than I've read messages which were actually useful and contained information that needed to be on -private.] Don Armstrong 1: Ignoring VAC messages, of course. -- Never underestimate the power of human stupidity. -- Robert Heinlein

Re: debian-private declassification team (looking for one)

2010-06-25 Thread Don Armstrong
On Sat, 26 Jun 2010, Frans Pop wrote: > On Saturday 26 June 2010, Don Armstrong wrote: > > My own opinion is that we've done this backwards, and that everything > > on -private modulo vacation messages and posts explicitely marked with > > a header indicating that they

Conflicts between Developers: Let others mediate

2010-07-01 Thread Don Armstrong
If you ever find yourself in a situtation where you are in conflict with another developer, and you're unable to make headway, please rely on others to mediate. You can contact the DPL ( or the CTTE (for technical matters) or even myself or any other Developer you trust.

Re: Problems with NM Front Desk

2010-07-06 Thread Don Armstrong
time and taking slotes and time away from more qualified candidates, then yes, they should be strongly suggesting that people aren't ready to become DDs, and thus should spend more time working on Debian, possibly as DMs. Don Armstrong -- It was said that life was cheap in Ankh-Morpork. This w

Re: Problems with NM Front Desk

2010-07-06 Thread Don Armstrong
On Tue, 06 Jul 2010, Frans Pop wrote: > On Tuesday 06 July 2010, Don Armstrong wrote: > > On Tue, 06 Jul 2010, Frans Pop wrote: > > > Is it actually OK for FD to "demand" that candidates go through DM > > > before applying for DD, or as part of the NM pr

Re: buildd/porter/maintainer roles again

2010-07-13 Thread Don Armstrong
he blurb that goes on] Don Armstrong -- Judge if you want. We are all going to die. I intend to deserve it. -- a softer world #421 http://rzlab.ucr

Re: buildd/porter/maintainer roles again

2010-07-13 Thread Don Armstrong
On Tue, 13 Jul 2010, Aurelien Jarno wrote: > On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 02:27:42PM -0700, Don Armstrong wrote: > > If porters would like psuedopackages for their architecture to > > track requests, that can be arranged. [Y'all just need to ask, > > point me at some bugs w

Re: buildd/porter/maintainer roles again

2010-07-13 Thread Don Armstrong
but only if there's enough agreement behind it. The workflow should look something like this: 1) message goes to porter mailing list: [This bug #nnn looks like a arch-specific bug] 2) porters reassign/tag the bug to indicate that they've seen it, and agree that it is an arch-specific

Re: buildd/porter/maintainer roles again

2010-07-27 Thread Don Armstrong
l run this by the porters that I can track down. Don Armstrong -- What I can't stand is the feeling that my brain is leaving me for someone more interesting. -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-project-requ...@lists.

Re: buildd/porter/maintainer roles again

2010-07-27 Thread Don Armstrong
dvantage that bugs regarding buildds and such which are in the porters domain can also be assigned to a specific psuedopackage so the porters can track it. Don Armstrong -- Only one creature could have duplicated the expressions on their faces, and that would be a pigeon who has heard not only that

Re: DEP-5 meta: New co-driver; current issues

2010-08-12 Thread Don Armstrong
SPDX were based off of DEP-5, so this should be possible. (It's at least worth looking at.) Don Armstrong 1: -- I'd never hurt another living thing. But if I did... It would be you. -- Chris Bishop h

Re: DEP-5 meta: New co-driver; current issues

2010-08-12 Thread Don Armstrong
5 itself has already been useful in seeding the creation of SPDX. Don Armstrong -- Your village called. They want their idiot back. -- xkcd -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-project-requ...@lists.debi

Re: DEP-5: general file syntax

2010-08-17 Thread Don Armstrong
.//; s/^/ /; with the obvious reversal of: s/^ //; s/^\.(\.*)$/$1/; with non-important header removal allowed. (We probably only need From, Message-Id, Date, Subject, Content-Type?) Don Armstrong -- Do not handicap your children by making their lives easy. -- Robert Heinlein _Ti

Re: webchat/cgiirc on

2010-08-23 Thread Don Armstrong
coordination with the network that they are talking to lead to abuse and the eventually banning and/or k-lining of involved hosts. #debian routinely bans the webchat on freenode, and I've no doubt that we'll be routinely banning other web chats which are used without authentication. Don Arm

Re: webchat/cgiirc on

2010-09-27 Thread Don Armstrong
On Sat, 25 Sep 2010, Paul Wise wrote: > On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 3:28 AM, Don Armstrong wrote: > > Almost invariably, web-based chats like this that are launched without > > coordination with the network that they are talking to lead to abuse > > and the eventually banni

Re: webchat/cgiirc on

2010-09-27 Thread Don Armstrong
tates and increases > participation. Example in DebConf10 when he was in the WebChat > (cgiirc on OFTC) Consider yourself volunteered! I'm not against it, I'm just pointing out problems that may not have been foreseen so whoever steps up to do the work can av

Re: Call for Votes - GR: Debian project members

2010-10-04 Thread Don Armstrong
10/vote_002 Don Armstrong -- After the first battle of Sto Lat, I formulated a policy which has stood me in good stead in other battles. It is this: if an enemy has an impregnable stronghold, see he stays there. -- Terry Pratchett _Jingo_ p265 http://rz

Re: No general political content on Planet

2010-11-04 Thread Don Armstrong
uldn't be of interest, they should be asked to consider separating feeds so only posts which would be of general interest to DDs is posted. > I don't think we want to deal with the resulting toxic debates. Considering how rarely people mention politics now, it's not worth worryin

SCALE 9x (Southern California Linux Expo) Debian Booth

2011-02-20 Thread Don Armstrong
sign keys or whatever, let me know too (or just come by; we're in Booth #16). Don Armstrong -- They say when you embark on a journey of revenge dig two graves. They underestimate me. -- a softer world #560 http://www.donarm

Re: #debian unavailable on Mibbit

2011-06-15 Thread Don Armstrong
a message saying I'm banned. #debian on FN (and OFTC, iirc) do not let in clients from and similar web-based IRC clients because of abuse from these sites. We will usually add ban exceptions to registered nicks from these sites when requested. Contact an #debian operator for more

Re: private email aliases considered harmful (Re: bits from the DPL for September 2011)

2011-11-08 Thread Don Armstrong
rg can do so by logging into, and reading /srv/*. We have archives of all mail since some time in 2002 there. Don Armstrong -- [T]he question of whether Machines Can Think, [...] is about as relevant as the question of whether Submarines Ca

Re: Scientific article on Debian in PNAS

2011-12-05 Thread Don Armstrong
ccess by paying USD $975 if you have a site license, or USD $1300 if you don't.[1] For at least my lab, this is enough money that it's not worth doing. [Instead, I tend to make a pre press version available, or otherwise make the research available to anyone who contacts me about one

Volunteers for Debian Booth at Scale 10x in Los Angeles, CA, January 21 and 22, 2012

2012-01-03 Thread Don Armstrong
availability, and I will respond with registration instructions. Don Armstrong 1: -- Sentenced to two years hard labor (for sodomy), Oscar Wilde stood handcuffed in driving rain waiting for transport to prison. "If this is the way Queen Victoria treat

Re: Questions about Debian materials/topics for NorthEastLinuxFest

2012-03-08 Thread Don Armstrong
elope. [Otherwise, you can get copies of them for about $20.] Don Armstrong -- If it jams, force it. If it breaks, it needed replacing anyway. -- Lowery's Law -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-project-requ...@lists.debian

Visible results from sponsor funds [Re: Finding sponsors for Debian]

2012-03-12 Thread Don Armstrong
t it?) Cc:'ing to -www for comment. Don Armstrong -- He was wrong. Nature abhors dimensional abnormalities, and seals them neatly away so that they don't upset people. Nature, in fact, abhors a lot of things, including vacuums, ships called the Marie Celeste, and the chuck keys fo

Re: i have a two tower server.

2012-11-20 Thread Don Armstrong
that needs a maintainer. and are the best place to ask if someone in Debian could use or needs access to such a machine. Don Armstrong -- "There are two major products that come out of Berkeley: LSD and UNIX. We don'

Re: Inbound trademark policy, round 3

2013-01-09 Thread Don Armstrong
t adding such a restriction would ultimately be > beneficial. The reason why this restriction is beneficial is because it allows the hundreds of distributions which are based on Debian to modify software, etc. [But feel free to argue that this benefit is not worth the cost to Debian in rebranding

Debian Booth at SCALE 11x February 22-24, 2013 at the LAX Hilton (Volunteers Requested)

2013-02-21 Thread Don Armstrong
f you happen to be in the LA area, consider stopping by and checking it out! [We also have a ticket discount code, DBIAN.] Don Armstrong -- "Because," Fee-5 explained patiently, "I was born in the fifth row. Any fool would understand that, but against stupidity the very Gods themse

Re: gravatar on - acceptable or not?

2013-03-15 Thread Don Armstrong
eone wrote a patch to also handle setting this option with a cookie or similar so people who didn't want to see avatars never had to see them again.] Don Armstrong -- Where am I? THE VILLAGE. What do you want? INFORMATION. Which side are you on? THAT WOULD BE TELLING. WE WANT INFORMATION. IN

Re: [all candidates] Removing or limiting DD rights?

2013-03-29 Thread Don Armstrong
individual concerned, and warns them about it specifically, and informs the reporter that their concern has been addressed. In the case where owner@ or listmaster@ have made a decision which can be overridden by GR (IE, banning someone from using control@ or similar), -private is notified so DDs are

Re: Poor BTS interactions (Re: [all candidates] Removing or limiting DD rights?)

2013-04-01 Thread Don Armstrong
On Fri, 29 Mar 2013, Moray Allan wrote: > On 2013-03-28 16:35, Don Armstrong wrote: > > is an appropriate place to report abusive > >behavior by anyone (maintainers, users, etc) on the BTS. > > But how broad a definition of abusive behaviour are you taki

Re: Dealing with ITS abuse

2013-04-12 Thread Don Armstrong
my goal of creating a Debian BTS wall of excellence to record awesome bug submitters and closers and general awesomeness every month. Don Armstrong -- I leave the show floor, but not before a pack of caffeinated Jolt gum is thrust at me by a hyperactive girl screaming, "Chew more! Do more!&

Re: Dealing with ITS abuse

2013-04-13 Thread Don Armstrong
ied as necessary to fit a particular situation, and range from warnings to technical restrictions on communication to expulsion. Don Armstrong -- If I had a letter, sealed it in a locked vault and hid the vault somewhere in New York. Then told you to read the letter, thats not security, thats obs

Re: Dealing with ITS abuse

2013-04-15 Thread Don Armstrong
On Sun, 14 Apr 2013, Chris Knadle wrote: > On Saturday, April 13, 2013 13:34:23, Don Armstrong wrote: > > On Sat, 13 Apr 2013, Chris Knadle wrote: > > > Are you saying that if someone communicates abusively in the BTS > > > publicly, they _shouldn't_ be publi

Re: Revising the Code of Conduct

2013-05-21 Thread Don Armstrong
somewhere and post a link. > > It may be worth clarifying that this applies only to the mailing > lists, not the BTS. And in both cases, I'd really like to be able to support RFC2017+RFC1521 style mime external-body attachments. Unfortunately, I'm not sure if anything else ac

Please send responses to BTS bans to, not

2013-12-22 Thread Don Armstrong
/archives/ [That archive is newly created, so it'll have all mail from here on out.] -- Don Armstrong When I was a kid I used to pray every night for a new bicycle. Then I realized that the Lord doesn't work tha

Debian SCALE 12x booth volunteers wanted [Los Angeles, CA Feb. 22-23]

2014-01-22 Thread Don Armstrong
ase e-mail me, and I'll tell you the information you need to know. If you are unable to volunteer, but are going to be there anyway, stop by and say hi! 1: -- Don Armstrong life's not a paragr

Re: GR proposal: code of conduct

2014-02-12 Thread Don Armstrong
time. We certainly can publish bans on -private, and I'm OK with there being review after the fact if necessary, but I'm not personally going to waste my limited time with a burdensome bureaucratic procedure to actually put the ban in place in the first case. -- Don Armstrong

Re: State of the debian keyring

2014-02-25 Thread Don Armstrong
pam; we currently don't even bother to check it. -- Don Armstrong Of course, there are cases where only a rare individual will have the vision to perceive a system which governs many people's lives; a system which had never before even been

Possible Two Color Debian Logo White Vinyl Sticker Group Buy

2014-05-06 Thread Don Armstrong
nlogo-100.png [printer]: [wiki]: -- Don Armstrong Three little words. (In order of importance.) █ █ ▌ ▞▀▖▌ ▌▛▀▘

Re: Possible Two Color Debian Logo White Vinyl Sticker Group Buy

2014-05-06 Thread Don Armstrong
p is bare. :( Any chance of someone making some of > these, rather than just the square white ones? You mean these ones, right? I think these are going to be closer to US$5-10 per for larger ones, but I'm interested in getting a few of them m

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Possible Two Color Debian Logo White Vinyl Sticker Group Buy

2014-05-07 Thread Don Armstrong
On Wed, 07 May 2014, Bdale Garbee wrote: > Bdale Garbee writes: > > Don Armstrong writes: > > > >> I think these are going to be closer to US$5-10 per for larger ones, but > >> I'm interested in getting a few of them myself. > > > > I work wi

Re: Reverting to GNOME for jessie's default desktop

2014-08-07 Thread Don Armstrong
ges; could you (and/or debian-cd) address this? Specifically: 1) Would you want the default CD/DVD image to use a GNOME even if GNOME was unable to fit on a single image? 2) Would the GNOME team consider a less-complete DE for cases where image size is a restriction? -- Don Armstrong

Re: Consumer boycott of your company

2004-11-16 Thread Don Armstrong, and is > I assume he means that his complaints to ccai are being bounced, > rather than that he's rejecting mail. Either that or ccai is totally ignoring it as they have nothing whatsoever to do with the spammer. Don Armstrong -- Junkies were all knitted toget


2004-12-13 Thread Don Armstrong
want to report something about this host's behavior or domain, please contact the ISPs involved directly, not the Debian Project. See the Network Abuse Clearinghouse for how to do this. If you have further questions about what Debian actually is, please visit

Re: complaint about a #debian chat operator

2004-12-16 Thread Don Armstrong
gual person isn't on FN or OFTC.] Don Armstrong -- Frankly, if ignoring inane opinions and noisy people and not flaming them to crisp is bad behaviour, I have not yet achieved a state of nirvana. -- Manoj Srivastava in [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: documentation x executable code

2005-01-05 Thread Don Armstrong
egally relevant part of it must be included, and cannot be modified. Like it or not, this is part of the legal game that must be played in order to have any free software at all. Don Armstrong 1: -- "...Yet terrible

Re: documentation x executable code

2005-01-05 Thread Don Armstrong
ocumentation with invariant sections. Furthermore, even if we were to ignore the requirement of DFSG 4 for the distribution of software built from modified source code, the "patch file"[1] would include bits of the original source as context, which is also not allowed for the invariant se

Re: documentation x executable code

2005-01-05 Thread Don Armstrong
On Wed, 05 Jan 2005, Craig Sanders wrote: > On Wed, Jan 05, 2005 at 12:43:43AM -0800, Don Armstrong wrote: > > The license must allow: > > > > 1) the distribution of "patch files" for the purpose of modifying > >the work at build time > >

Re: Dealing with drivers that need firmware on the filesystem

2005-01-09 Thread Don Armstrong
peaking, they know how a package should be split, and what it should depend upon; and when they make mistakes, they fix them. Don Armstrong -- The attackers hadn't simply robbed the bank. They had carried off everything portable, including the security cameras, the carpets, the chairs, and

Re: Dealing with drivers that need firmware on the filesystem

2005-01-09 Thread Don Armstrong
On Sun, 09 Jan 2005, Brian Nelson wrote: > On Sun, Jan 09, 2005 at 02:53:52PM -0800, Don Armstrong wrote: > > The whole purpose of contrib (at least in my mind) is to indicate > > to users that they will need something extra from non-free or even > > something we can't

Re: consultant entries that will be removed unless they "pong"

2005-07-15 Thread Don Armstrong
add themselves on their own website without placing any information about Debian anywhere. Don Armstrong 1: If you think you don't, then you must never reject patches. -- [insert something here] -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Delegation for trademark negotiatons with the DCCA

2005-08-21 Thread Don Armstrong
Developers to resolve this issue as amicably as possible, as rapidly as possible. Please feel free to e-mail me at any time if you have questions or wish to make a comment on the usage of the trademark; I will (as usual) be participating on -project and -legal. Don Armstrong -- [this space for rent

Re: Delegation for trademark negotiatons with the DCCA

2005-08-23 Thread Don Armstrong
On Tue, 23 Aug 2005, Anthony Towns wrote: > On Sun, Aug 21, 2005 at 05:18:50PM -0700, Don Armstrong wrote: > > I plan on working with both the leadership of the DCCA, the SPI > > trademark group, and Debian Developers to resolve this issue as > > amicably as possible, a

Re: Delegation for trademark negotiatons with the DCCA

2005-08-23 Thread Don Armstrong
On Tue, 23 Aug 2005, Anthony Towns wrote: > On Tue, Aug 23, 2005 at 12:28:11AM -0700, Don Armstrong wrote: > > But beyond that, yes, when there's something to report, I plan on > > making either -private or -project as appropriate aware of what is > > being done, ju

Re: Delegation for trademark negotiatons with the DCCA

2005-09-19 Thread Don Armstrong
at's > happening here. The few dozen e-mails that I have sent between myself and the representatives of the DCCA are reasonable evidence of Debian's desire to protect the Debian mark. Don Armstrong 1: Concrete in this situtation being a final resolution of the issues with

DCCA name change and remaining issues

2005-10-17 Thread Don Armstrong
rossed into the trademark loonie bin. Don Armstrong -- "A one-question geek test. If you get the joke, you're a geek: Seen on a California license plate on a VW Beetle: 'FEATURE'..." -- Joshua D. Wachs - Natural Intelligence, Inc.

Re: DCCA name change and remaining issues

2005-11-01 Thread Don Armstrong
n Core" in the FAQ.) Don Armstrong -- It seems intuitively obvious to me, which means that it might be wrong -- Chris Torek signature.asc Description: Digital signature

Re: General Resolution: Declassification of debian-private list archives

2005-12-01 Thread Don Armstrong
om my perspective, all we're doing is putting in place a mechanism whereby useful parts of -private can be made publicly available. Whether developers actually end up doing the work to make it publicly available comes later. Don Armstrong -- Grimble left his mother in the food store and went

Re: Complaint about #debian operator

2005-12-10 Thread Don Armstrong
free to modify the "why debian" factoid, or perhaps create a "why not debian" factoid on the bot that points to a website or something that goes into this topic in depth.] Don Armstrong -- It seems intuitively obvious to me, which means that it might be wrong -- C

Re: Complaint about #debian operator

2005-12-10 Thread Don Armstrong
[Clearly, #debian isn't the appropriate place for such a complaint; I'm not even convinced that -project is.] Since at the time, I was the only op around, and had other things to do, I couldn't leave the situtation unresolved. Silencing a user who has stopped contributing to the channel

Re: Complaint about #debian operator

2005-12-10 Thread Don Armstrong
now it is not permanent and everybody knows what's going > on. Yeah, I've thought about extending the script that does that with a NOTICE, I just haven't had a chance to do it yet. [Other parts of it have notices, but I haven't set one up for the timeout part.] Don Armstrong

Re: Complaint about #debian operator

2005-12-11 Thread Don Armstrong
On Sun, 11 Dec 2005, MJ Ray wrote: > Don Armstrong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > > (A +q silences the individual in question, while allowing them to > > remain on the channel.) > > +q is a bizarre "half-ban" flag which doesn't appear in many (any?) > IRC newb

Re: Complaint about #debian operator

2005-12-13 Thread Don Armstrong
hat you're going to show up on the top 50 (or at least in the "didn't make it to the top") if you're actually actively involved in helping people on #debian. Don Armstrong -- Q: What Can a Thoughtful Man Hope for Mankind on Earth, Given the Experience o

Re: Your posting: Debian on one dvd?

2005-12-20 Thread Don Armstrong
do this manually. You can get packages to your machine using apt-zip on Debian as well;[1] you just have to have bandwidth available somewhere. [Which is a slightly different problem than the one facing users in places where the nearest network connection of any type is outside of the range of sn

Re: Debian etch

2006-01-03 Thread Don Armstrong
world, so perhaps it's better if folks simply put the > name in its correct context: that of a Toy Story character. Considering the fact that we had no problems with a release codenamed "woody", I think some incidental indecency is not something to worry about. Don Armstrong

Re: non-free firmware

2006-01-12 Thread Don Armstrong
of source is the best definition of source we have, and as such is the place to start for determining whether or not a work supplies source.] Don Armstrong -- "One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of

Re: About expulsion requests

2006-03-19 Thread Don Armstrong
s does fail, it would simplify matters > > for the individual if they did not have to try to explain this to > > people in the future. > > I don't want future employers to be able to google about my bugs. Too late.

Re: Inquiry for proposal to establish #debian-newbies

2006-03-21 Thread Don Armstrong
etting people who are willing to help answer questions, and letting others know that the channel is there to help. Good luck! Don Armstrong -- Cheop's Law: Nothing ever gets built on schedule or within budget. -- Robert Heinlein _Time Enough For Love_ p242 http://www.donarmstrong

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