Re: knoppix ver 3.5 DVD

2004-07-08 Thread Martin Schulze
basil smith wrote: > i would like to ask if you could help me to aquire a copy of a bootable > knoppix 3.5 DVD which i belive is being haded out at an exebition in > Germany and on the TAG site they are saying that it will be possible to get > a copy of this at the sum of 10 euro's but i do not

Re: GNU Hurd and Linux

2004-07-08 Thread Martin Schulze
James Thayer wrote: > Debian, > > Once GNU Hurd is ready for production use, will you still support Linux > versions of Debian, or will GNU Hurd be the only kernel Debian supports? > That is, will you support both? Ask again when Hurd ran stable for two years and supports all platforms that De

Re: knoppix ver 3.5 DVD

2004-07-08 Thread Martin Schulze
basil smith wrote: > thank you for your reply i have tried the site and found it to be all in > German and i do not have any languages but i did find a phone number for > the company in Berlin so i will have to try and find out what the time > differance is and try to phone them as i am unable t

Re: GNU Hurd and Linux

2004-07-08 Thread Ean Schuessler
Yes. We will indeed be phasing out Linux support when Hurd is ready. We plan to do this in tandem to our switchover to 100% photon based computing cores and the new GNUeron Hallucinatronic machine-brain interface. Some people claim this deadline is not reachable by 2012. The Mayan lunar producti

Re: knoppix ver 3.5 DVD

2004-07-08 Thread basil smith
thank you for your reply i have tried the site and found it to be all in German and i do not have any languages but i did find a phone number for the company in Berlin so i will have to try and find out what the time differance is and try to phone them as i am unable to read the site and there


2004-07-08 Thread chiyong
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