
Dear -www team,
  I hereby forward to the BTS an excerpt of an ongoing discussion on
-project, which revamps a former proposal by Yaroslav Halchenko to
include links to blends from the Debian homepage.
Thanks in advance for considering,

On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 11:24:26AM -0400, Yaroslav Halchenko wrote:
> On Mon, 11 Apr 2011, Stefano Zacchiroli wrote:
> > I like a lot the idea of providing links to blends from the Debian
> > homepage [1], thanks for proposing (and revamping) the idea!  However,
> > from the above paragraph I do not understand what you needed to
> > generalize and why it is blocking the implementation of the proposal.
> > Can you be more specific about that?
> Well, you can find the original proposal at
> Message-id: <>
> in which I suggested to change the welcoming sentence to
>  Debian GNU/Linux provides more than a pure OS: it comes with thousands
>  of ready to be installed packages[LINK].  Debian is as a great OS for
>  Juniors [Debian-Junior] as for the scientists [Debian-Science].
>  Debian has being used in Medicine [Debian-Med] and to help
>  people with disabilities [Accessibility].  But there is even more of
>  Debian -- see other "blends" [Blends], "Ports" [Ports page], and
>  packages [LINK].
> which should be the first step.
> 2nd step was to utilize our space Debian banner on and
> populate it with logo icons to specific most popular and ports  and make it
> imagemap with clickable links so they could become active (may be grow
> and shine a bit in stars fashion) upon "over".  But I haven't got chance
> to stretch my limited design skills to come up with a mockup which I would 
> have
> been what I meant by "generalize"... sorry for not clear description.
> Additionally, we could come up with "(Weekly) Featured Debian Project" entry,
> which would provide a 1-2 sentences description + link to some Debian
> subproject chosen randomly (or not so), and placed somewhere high (may be even
> right after the banner) on the main page.
> > I guess one of the problems that needs to be solved is to find place on
> > www.d.o without turning that page into a link hell. Have you discussed
> > the idea with the -www team and/or submitted a bug report against
> > www.d.o about it?
> links itself are not bad (wiki were found useful to be that way).  Bad is the
> dump of lists of links.  If links are harmonic parts of sentences or images, I
> think they are only useful. 

Stefano Zacchiroli -o- PhD in Computer Science \ PostDoc @ Univ. Paris 7
zack@{,,} -<>-
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ti resta John Fante -- V. Capossela .......| ..: |.......... -- C. Adams

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