> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ean Schuessler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Friday, 7 May 2004 4:33 PM
> Just so. It also isn't just a matter of payment. It would be 
> wonderful if the 
> Internet and the things that happened on it were not subject 
> to normal human 
> law but that just isn't the case. Ultimately, everything that 
> Debian does is 
> done by people and those people are subject to the laws of 
> their nations.
Okay, fair enough.  It makes sense then that Debian Inc. (aka SPI) needs to

What does not make sense to me is why every single Debian developer needs to
be a formal member of that legal entity.

Let me explain what I mean.  I am a member of the Debian Project, I am a
Debian developer. 

I am not the DPL.  I entrust that leadership role to Martin.
I am not the release manager.  I entrust that role to Anthony.
I am not an ftp master.  I entrust that role to Michael and the others.
I am not the DAM, I entrust that role to James.
I am not on the security team. I entrust that role to Martin and others.

There may be a variety of reasons why I take on none of these these (though
I could choose to be a part of any of them), a mixture of time, interest and
competency. I do what I can to make Debian and the world a better place.

So why suddenly is SPI, the Debian legal corporation, such a different
matter?  Why is it that you are telling me *I* must be a part of SPI myself,
rather than entrusting it to those who can manage it, as I do for every
other part of Debian? What makes SPI any more important than any other of
Debian's facets or activities?


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