Debian Woody currently supports 2.4.x kernels, debian potato can be made to
support 2.4.x kernels at realtively little effort.
Given that the first more or less "bugless" 2.4.x is 2.4.16, and that most
important features of early 2.4.x kernels have been backported, there's
little reason to prefer
Il Mon, Mar 11, 2002 at 05:41:27PM +0100, RIBNITZ Robert ha scritto:
> Hello,
> following a post of someone from italy, I noticed the following:
> - so far only the webpage is available in italian, the installation manual
> has not been translated yet. (aren't there enough italian-speakingp p
Do you have plans to move to the 2.4 kernel? What time frame do you
following a post of someone from italy, I noticed the following:
- so far only the webpage is available in italian, the installation manual
has not been translated yet. (aren't there enough italian-speakingp ppl with
free time on their hands?)
- would it not be a good thing to actually se
Dear Mr. Gentili,
first of all, this is not a mandrake mailing list (nothing against mandrake,
its a very ogod distro for beginning ot intermediate users), but a debian
Information on Denian (also in italian :) ) can be found at
As described on the home
Dear MandrakeSoft,
Two company that have a distribution of Linux send to my school their
Linux distribution with CDs and manuals (50 the 1st and 35 the 2nd) of an
old version (for example if the newest version is the 10.4 they send to us
the 10.2).
For those pack we paid only the shipping cost.
Processing commands for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> reassign 137840 libmime-perl
Bug#137840: project: file:///usr/doc/libmime-perl/MIME/ is missing
Bug reassigned from package `project' to `libmime-perl'.
> --
Stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assistance.
Debian bug
On Sat, 9 Mar 2002, Drescher Christian wrote:
> Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
> Wir veranstalten eine LAN Party und suchen dafür noch einige Sponsoren.
Please note that Debian is a volunteer non-profit organisation and
this is an English mailing l
Package: project
Version: 20020311
Severity: normal
file:///usr/doc/libmime-perl/MIME/ is missing on
my system.
Package: libmime-perl
-- System Information
Debian Release: 3.0
Kernel Version: Linux timo 2.4.17 #17 Son Mär 10 19:18:59 CET 2002 i686 unknown
9 matches
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