Bug#1094328: cups: should use systemd security features

2025-01-27 Thread Russell Coker
Package: cups Version: 2.4.2-3+deb12u8 Severity: normal I have tested the following settings and they significantly reduce the potential for damage to the system and allows all the normal operations in my tests. Please change the default configuration to include at least some of these. [Service

Bug#858341: sorry missed one

2017-03-21 Thread Russell Coker
--- /tmp/cups.socket2017-03-22 00:58:17.980111961 +1100 +++ /lib/systemd/system/cups.socket 2017-03-22 00:58:24.516507263 +1100 @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ PartOf=cups.service [Socket] -ListenStream=/var/run/cups/cups.sock +ListenStream=/run/cups/cups.sock [Install] WantedBy=sockets.target Th

Bug#858341: cups-daemon: please usr /run instead of /var/run

2017-03-21 Thread Russell Coker
Package: cups-daemon Version: 2.2.1-8 Severity: normal Tags: patch /run has been around since 2011, I think it's time to stop using the /var/run symlink. Supporting the symlink in SE Linux means supporting both names for the contexts used in the initial creation of files and directories which I w