Hello Ronny,
I tried to have a look and I get the feeling that there
is a disagreement if the attribute "printer-alert" is of type
Also it is the only line I found at a glance that calls
ippAddString with a IPP_TAG_STRING.
Other attributes of type IPP_TAG_STRING se
I have released cups-filters 1.28.1 now, with the following changes:
- COPYING: Fixed several typos
- libcupsfilters: Fixed typo in log message of
get_printer_attributes functions.
- cups-browsed: Fixed typos in configuration file and man page
- libc
Bernhard Übelacker wrote on 25/08/2020 22:07:
> Am 25.08.20 um 14:40 schrieb Ronny Adsetts:
>> In which case a backport of valgrind would be dead handy. :-).
> You might be able to build one yourself:
> (maybe inside a VM too, because several build dependencies get installed ...)