please recommend a hardware

2002-07-19 Thread von Boehn, Gunnar
Hi all, I want to buy a PowerPC computer to run debian on and need some advice. Is there a list on which PowerPC hardware debian runs on? Could you maybe recommend something not to expensive? Are there any cheap alternatives to MAC's? What do you thing about the PEGASOS and the AmigaONE? man

RE: please recommend a hardware

2002-07-19 Thread von Boehn, Gunnar
Hi Ole-Egil, thank you very much for your fast answer. > [..] I happen to have an AmigaOne running Debian at home right now. Where did you get this AmigaONE? I wanted to buy a board from eyetech, but they said they will only ship them when AMIGA OS4 is finished even if I just want it for Linu

security patches for PowerPC ?

2002-11-06 Thread von Boehn, Gunnar
Hi, could somebody please tell me whether security patches come out at the same date for the PowerPC architecture as for i386? The reason of my question is, that I would like to go for debian on PowerPC for my webserver. I'm a little bit afraid that there is possibility for a delay of the secu

RE: AmigaOne / Pegasos ?

2002-11-14 Thread von Boehn, Gunnar
Hello, > Pasi Kärkkäinen wrote: > Any problems? Does Linux support all the chips in these motherboards? I heard that the northbrigde which is used in the Amiga-One and Pegasos has a bug which makes it loose data if you copy a lot. As far as I know Bplan is going to take back and repl

RE: AmigaOne / Pegasos ?

2002-11-14 Thread von Boehn, Gunnar
Hi Ole, I heard that Eyetech will maybe bring out AmigaOnes with integrated graphic. Integrated GFX would make them a perfect platform for building nice PPC webserver. Do you know if this is true? Cheers Gunnar

RE: AmigaOne / Pegasos ?

2002-11-14 Thread von Boehn, Gunnar
Hi, > >Integrated GFX would make them a > >perfect platform for building nice PPC webserver. > > Is AGP/PCI slots really that much worse? Integreted GFX would it make much easier to build small, 1 height unit 19" machines. > I mean, since we have an x86 emulator in the firmware you can > us