[RE] X doesn't work on iMac G3 400MHz

2009-02-10 Thread urpion urpion
Wow! You guys are fast! I've already tried "ati". "fbdev" doesn't work. I'll download an Ubuntu Live CD and make an xorg.conf. Thanks for super-speedy reply's, thats amazing! _ Get your FREE, LinuxWaves.com Email Now! --> http://www.L

(Solved)Re. X doesn't wok in iMac G3 400MHz

2009-02-11 Thread urpion urpion
Thanx Risto, your a star! It works! (Nice background on gnome there!) ... with the fbdev. But not with r128 ... wait a minute ... no ... it can't be (Gasp!) a O-N-E button mouse? How can you operate a desktop with a one button mouse? _

Fine tuning iMac G3 400 + Rage 128 + 1-button mouse

2009-02-12 Thread urpion urpion
Thanks Risto. I have a very slow loading, but very fuctional gdm and gnome desktop, using the r128 driver with "UseFBDev" option on. But I can't use the HW accelleration. Hence the slow loading I suppose. Can it be made to work somehow? Heres my current xorg.conf: Section "InputDevice"