Although I don¹t know actual numbers on the hardware side of things I can
give a few bits of real world info on this...
Here at home I have a B&W G3-500 (384megs RAM OS X 10.1.5) and a 8500/233
(604e) ( 896Megs Ram Mac OS 9.1) with a KNE110TX 10/100 enet card... And
when the B&W is hooked to my f
i was about to look in the archives as i just got somthing similar to this
on a new debian 2.2r3 cd install... but i found if you check 'no video
driver' and 'force video'in bootx and set mac os to 8bit (256) color,X will
run... but the colors are so awful they are offensive... but it does run
i have an idea on this... how about a small Mac OS application that you
could d/l and run and it would read the gestalt id and report weather the
machine will run and what dist minimum to use (i.e Beige G3 would report
something like 'This machine would need bootx to startup and Dist 2.2r2 or
not sure where to report this but this link:
has a echo problem with the section headings...
11..11.. IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn
Apple (and briefly a few other manufactur
on 11/3/01 2:35 PM using moldy cheese [EMAIL PROTECTED] engraved this
> On Sat, Nov 03, 2001 at 02:16:24AM -0500, sloopy malibu wrote:
>> i have an idea on this... how about a small Mac OS application that you
>> could d/l and run and it would read the gestalt
on 11/5/01 2:56 AM using moldy cheese [EMAIL PROTECTED] engraved this
> but again, if someone would like to maintain a relativly distro
> independent hardware list on penguinppc let me know for an account. i
> don't think the current lists have anyone really doing much maintainence.
i c
on 11/6/01 8:18 AM using moldy cheese [EMAIL PROTECTED] engraved this
> Thanks to all for advice so far...
> Refresh on my computer: PowerMac 7600/120, internal CD-ROM, 16 MB memory,
> standard apple keyboard and mouse, standard ubiquitous 15" Mac monitor.
i am installing the same
on 11/5/01 11:23 PM using moldy cheese [EMAIL PROTECTED] engraved this message
> sloopy malibu ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
>> on 11/5/01 2:56 AM using moldy cheese [EMAIL PROTECTED] engraved this
>> message
>>> but again, if someone would like to maintain a relativl
on 11/10/01 2:56 PM using moldy cheese
[EMAIL PROTECTED] engraved this message
>> No, no, reset works. What I don't understand is the corruption happening
>> before the prompt sign and the typed chars getting screwed up after the dump
>> is done. It seems that outputting non-ascii chars just overf
on 11/11/01 12:03 AM using moldy cheese [EMAIL PROTECTED] engraved this
> On Sun, Nov 11, 2001 at 12:36:45AM +0200, Andreas Wüst wrote:
>> James Treacy wrote:
>>> The powerpc port pages are currently unmaintained.
>> You mean there is nobody who contributes new/fixed/updated content?
on 11/11/01 5:05 AM using moldy cheese [EMAIL PROTECTED] engraved this
> On Sun, Nov 11, 2001 at 02:36:03AM -0500, sloopy malibu wrote:
>> i volunteered to do this on penguinppc a few days ago[1] and got no reply on
> sorry, you didn't sound very certai
on 11/12/01 9:31 AM using moldy cheese [EMAIL PROTECTED] engraved this
> At 03:15 PM 11/12/01 +0100, Michel Dänzer wrote:
>> Mike Yukish wrote:
>>> I tried BootX with "no video driver" forced, and then (from the
>>> LinuxPPC FAQomatic) tried the kernel arguments:
>>> video=control
on 11/12/01 5:51 PM using moldy cheese [EMAIL PROTECTED] engraved this message
> ==
> # XF86Config-4
>> and it works fine...
> , too ;-))
> regards
> robert
thanks for the info but there is only one problem... i am using X 3.3.6
you are u
On 12/13/03 08:33, "Colin Leroy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 13 Dec 2003 at 23h12, Ryan Verner wrote:
> Hi,
>>> clock: 667MHz
>>> bogomips: 663.55
>> As a complete aside (sorry), is a bogomips this low normal; I always
>> thought PPC hardware outdid x86 hardware at the same
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