I got into the installer and...

1999-10-22 Thread odd
Well, (partial) success! The new "pmacinstall-xx-.tar.gz-powerpc" helped alot. I now managed to get into the installer, configure keyboard, select swap and root partitions, and write a filesystem to my target root partition. But, when it came to installe the Kernel (and modules) I ran into trou

Stuff disapppearing in incoming/

1999-10-22 Thread odd
Hello again. I was just curious as to if there is another place than the regular incoming/ mirrors, to fetch the "experimental" ppc stuff, like the pmacinstall-xx, and the "(base2_2.1.tar.gz)" - because I can't seem to find it on the mirrors I've got. FTPSearch finds them, but the actual files are

new powermac kernel?

1999-10-24 Thread odd
Hi. I'm going to try and do a base install yet again, and I was wondering if a kernel that fixes that /dev/loopX (0) problem has been uploaded? The one I have is from Oct 18. (btw, sorry if my lines are too long. using 'mail') cheers, Petter Sundlöf