setup needed for PowerPC assembler programming

2004-09-11 Thread Steve Richter
I want to learn PowerPC assembler programming and figure I will buy a used G4 mac on ebay, then install debian linux on it. Will that give me all that I need? I ordered debian 3.02 from this site: They say I will receive 6 CDs. So I should receive GNU C and C++, right? Any

Re: setup needed for PowerPC assembler programming

2004-09-12 Thread Steve Richter
pointers and an architecture that is called "single level store" that is different than what you see in Linux and Windows. thanks for the he

scratch install debian on iMac G3

2004-09-22 Thread Steve Richter
the OS 9 CDs?I dont need to keep the Mac OS on the system. Is it possible to scratch the OS from this system and replace it with Debian GNU/Linux? thanks, Steve Richter

yaboot error - load size is too small

2004-09-23 Thread Steve Richter
I am following the instructions for "hard disk installer booting for NewWorld Macs" to install debian linux for powerpc on an iMac G3. The 4 files ( yaboot, yaboot.conf, root.bin, linux.bin ) have been copied to the root level of the hard drive. boot the iMac to the open firmware prompt run the

Re: yaboot error - load size is too small

2004-09-25 Thread Steve Richter
On Sat, 25 Sep 2004 08:55:41 -0400, Derrik Pates <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Steve Richter wrote: > > The 4 files ( yaboot, yaboot.conf, root.bin, linux.bin ) have been > > copied to the root level of the hard drive. > > > > boot the iMac to the open firmwa

Re: yaboot error - load size is too small

2004-09-25 Thread Steve Richter
On Sat, 25 Sep 2004 12:26:52 -0400, Derrik Pates <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Steve Richter wrote: > > got back: > > cant OPEN: hd:,\\yaboot > > > > Why cant it open yaboot? > > Because it wasn't in the blessed folder, I guess, based on what you&#x

not sure if system is hung or not

2004-09-25 Thread Steve Richter
just installed debian on imac g3. I login and get some sort of a debian prompt. I dont know what to do at this point, so I start typing some commands that might show a directory tree. One command is "pr". "pr" produces one line of output and does not return to a prompt. I can type, but everyth

yaboot error - load size is too small

2004-09-24 Thread Steve Richter
I am following the instructions for "hard disk installer booting for NewWorld Macs" to install debian linux for powerpc on an iMac G3. The 4 files ( yaboot, yaboot.conf, root.bin, linux.bin ) have been copied to the root level of the hard drive. boot the iMac to the open firmware prompt run the

Re: Open Firmware "boot" parameters -- Was: yaboot error - load size is too small

2004-09-26 Thread Steve Richter
On Sun, 26 Sep 2004 00:03:36 -0400, Rick Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > On Saturday, September 25, 2004, at 08:55 AM, Derrik Pates wrote: > > > Steve Richter wrote: > >> The 4 files ( yaboot, yaboot.conf, root.bin, linux.bin ) have been > >> cop

guidance needed - starting a browser, other items

2004-10-17 Thread Steve Richter
I have successfully completed a scratch installed of debian 3.0 rev2 "woody" on an iMac G3. After I boot the PC I get a debian text prompt. I have a few questions, any help is appreciated. - I am getting a "I cannot start the X server" error right away after the boot. When I take the troubleshoo

shutdown exception

2004-10-17 Thread Steve Richter
debian 3.0 rev2 "woody" installed on iMac G3. everytime I shutdown the PC I get an exception message: ide0: unexpected interrupt, status=0xd0, count=1 the shutdown command I am running is: - switch to superuser: su - - shutdown -h now Any ideas what the unexpected interrupt is? At this poi

Re: shutdown exception

2004-10-17 Thread Steve Richter
On Sun, 17 Oct 2004 22:42:13 +0200, Marc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Op 17-okt-04 om 20:26 heeft Steve Richter het volgende geschreven: > > > debian 3.0 rev2 "woody" installed on iMac G3. > > > > everytime I shutdown the PC I get an exception