Suggestions on affordable ppc notebook

1998-05-23 Thread Shaleh
I am a college student looking for a notebook. I am constantly on the go, so being able to type anywhere would be a plus. The new G3's look nice but the price tag is a wee much. Can anyone suggest a good notebook -- nothing really fancy needed. I am new to ppc hardware so I do not really know w

powerbook do's/donts?

1998-08-24 Thread Shaleh
I may be getting a powerbook this week. Anyone care to comment on which ones work and which dont. No, it wont be a G3 )-:

Re: Want some help? ("Will hack for CDs")

1998-09-06 Thread Shaleh
No offense Jesper, but Debian has better things to spend it meager money on than sending CD's around the world. debian ppc is not an official release, hence no distributors offer it. Best bet is to find a mate w/ a cd burner and roast your self some discs. Then feel fre to ship some to us too (-

RE: debian vs linuxppc

1999-01-10 Thread Shaleh
> > My main interst in Linux operating system could be justified by the > desire to use some of the audio apps available for linux. > Hence the first question : how's the sound working on debian (and MIDI > if any). > Hope I am not wrong here. Debian (and other Linux dists) use the same Linux

RE: Bug#45954: Anacron still hangs

1999-09-29 Thread Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
Thanks for the clarification Dan.