Test-DFS for PowerPC

2004-06-04 Thread Robert Jordens
Hello! John Goerzen and I have made Debian From Scratch (DFS) available for PowerPC machines. You would do us a big favour if you could test this first image and give suggestions. I only have my Powerbook G4 Alu available as victim. Primary Location: Tem

Re: Test-DFS for PowerPC

2004-06-05 Thread Robert Jordens
Hello! [Sat, 05 Jun 2004] david howe wrote: > So far I can report that the disk fails to boot the following devices > New World G3 Pismo Powerbook > New World G3 Imac > Old World 9600 ppc > > The disk appear as a valid HFS standard disk on a MacOS desktop however > I can't provide any more info a

Re: Test-DFS for PowerPC

2004-06-05 Thread Robert Jordens
Hello! [Sat, 05 Jun 2004] Sven Luther wrote: > Well, you mean it only refuses to boot when you insert the disk and old > the 'c' key ? Does yaboot show up ? I guess not, is the iso HFS blessed > or some other magic ? It doesnt boot into yaboot with just "c" on my PowerBook5,2 G4 Alu either. I ha

Re: Test-DFS for PowerPC

2004-06-06 Thread Robert Jordens
Hello! [Sat, 05 Jun 2004] Sven Luther wrote: > And finally, i have 0.6.4-rj3, and it refuses to boot on my ibook, > either by using the c key or by launching yaboot from the OF. IT speaks > about MAC-PART or something such not finding a filesystem. Bad, bad, bad. You are doing "boot cd:,\boot\yab

Re: Test-DFS for PowerPC

2004-06-07 Thread Robert Jordens
Hello! [Mon, 07 Jun 2004] John Goerzen wrote: > DFS explicitly does *not* do hardware autodetection on boot, though it > prints out a message on boot telling the user how to run discover or > hotplug. The reason is that, as a recovery tool, you may not want to > attempt this discovery (and that c

Re: Test-DFS for PowerPC

2004-06-07 Thread Robert Jordens
Hello! [Mon, 07 Jun 2004] John Goerzen wrote: > Yes. I agree! In fact, that's why I started the project. I guess it's > a little confusing to use DFS to refer both to the "standard" DFS ISOs > and to the build system. > > dfsbuild is already very far along that path, with the sets of packages

Re: Test-DFS for PowerPC

2004-06-07 Thread Robert Jordens
Hello! [Sat, 05 Jun 2004] Sven Luther wrote: > Robert, could you please add the code to generate the non pmac images > also ? You need : > > 1) access to the vmlinux kernel (i suppose you get it from the > kernel-image-2.6.6-powerpc, right ?). > 2) access to the initrd. > 3) access to /us

Re: Test-DFS for PowerPC

2004-06-08 Thread Robert Jordens
Hello! [Tue, 08 Jun 2004] Sven Luther wrote: > > should work, right? How is /usr/lib/kernel-image-version generated? > > It is contained in the kernel-image, together with the modules and the > kernel, so you just get them at the same time. Eventually, you unpack > the kernel-imahe somewhere, and

Re: Test-DFS for PowerPC

2004-06-09 Thread Robert Jordens
Hello! [Wed, 09 Jun 2004] John Goerzen wrote: > Robert and I sync up trees frequently. If you're working on PowerPC > stuff, it makes sense for you to use Robert's tree. (Robert, do please > drop me an e-mail if you notice I haven't synced with you for awhile and > there's stuff to go in.) Sure

DFS 0.6.9.rj1 for PowerPC

2004-08-08 Thread Robert Jordens
Hello! I managed to build Debian from Scratch () images for PowerPC (NewWorld/Powermac) that boot easily if you press "c" during boot. The old announce for DFS with information about the idea and features is at

Re: DFS 0.6.9.rj1 for PowerPC

2004-08-08 Thread Robert Jordens
Hello! [Sun, 08 Aug 2004] Elimar Riesebieter wrote: > Is support for xfs included? Should be. The kernels have xfs support and xfsprogs and xfsdump are on the cd. If you feel there is something missing, tell us. If you want to build stuff yourself: * Fill in path to your kernel package [no in

Re: GnomeMeeting or Ohphone in Oldworld Wallstreet

2004-10-14 Thread Robert Jordens
On Thu, 14 Oct 2004 14:42:30 -0300, Mauricio Hernandez Z. wrote: > AFAIK, sound cards even in Oldworlds should be Full Duplex and therefore work > with no problems in GnomeMeeting or Ohphone. > > Well, the sound card in my PowerBook is not working for those applications. > Even as root I get the