
2001-06-28 Thread Ricardo Pardini
Ok, this was probably asked a thousand times, but I couldn´t find it in the June/2001 archive so I thought I better ask. I run a beige G3 with Debian, running the default 2.2r3 installation kernel (2.2.19). I am trying to compile, or install a kernel-image, a 2.4 kernel. The kernel-source av

Re: dropped network connection

2001-07-01 Thread Ricardo Pardini
I have exactly the same problem. Exact same hardware configuration. Kernel 2.2.19 tho. I just built a 2.4.5 and gonna see if it fixes it (will know for sure, because mine "gives up networking" every 2-10 minutes.). For now what I do (in despair, because the machine is near-production website) is ad

Beige G3; Kernel 2.4.6; SUCESS (dropped network connection)

2001-07-01 Thread Ricardo Pardini
Hi, here to tell you about the lastest kernel (benh´s tree via rsync) I installed on my Beige G3: 1) Aparently fixed the problems with the BMAC Ethernet (see "dropped network connection" thread). It´s already up for 33 minutes (laughable, but 2.2.19 kept up for 5 minutes max). 2) Fixed the au


2001-09-06 Thread Ricardo Pardini
;boot enet" at the OpenFirmware actually tried to get an IP address using the builtin ethernet (BMAC I think) via BOOTP. Is there any chance of getting it to run via netboot? -- Ricardo Pardini [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Unusable Beige G3

2002-02-14 Thread Ricardo Pardini
omed or is there a way I can workaround that. The g3 doesn´t have any other ports, just ADB, those two round "Telephone" and "Printer" jacks... any ideas? Could I somehow use a "remote keyboard"? (I can log in from the network ok, SSH etc remotely) Thanks again and sorry if this is offtopic!!! Ricardo Pardini

Kernel 2.4.17

2002-02-15 Thread Ricardo Pardini
Hi again people, I´ve been for a while into the rsync-benh-tree-and-compile-a-thousand-times stuff; but unfortunately there was a time when the rsync mirror for it went down (they were moving hosts or something like that) and I gave up and I´m stuck with 2.4.8 - I´d like 2.4.17 for ext3 and o

Re: Kernel 2.4.17

2002-02-15 Thread Ricardo Pardini
> debianized != hot Indeed # apt-cache search kernel-image | grep powerpc kernel-image-2.4.12-powerpc - Linux kernel binary image. kernel-image-2.4.12-powerpc-smp - Linux kernel binary image. kernel-image-2.4.14-powerpc-xfs - Linux kernel binary image for version 2.4.14-powerpc-xfs kernel-imag