
2002-01-18 Thread Renato BARRIOS
Hi all, I would want to install potato in an iMac. I have MacOS 9 and a disk with a partition with linux option enabled. Please tell me how I can start install scripts. Thanks, Renato

Debian and iMac with MacOS 9

2002-03-10 Thread renato . barrios
Hi, I try to install a ppc debian potato in an imac with Mac 0S 9 inside. I have partitioned the hardisk with Mac Os extended and ppc linux options and can boot correctly in debian by cdrom(I can see the shell and explore the MacOs). Please tell me where I have to put the yaboot and yaboot.conf fil

Ybin and ofboot.b questions

2002-03-12 Thread Renato Barrios
Hi, I would want to turn debian in an iMac with Mac0s 9. I partitioned my hard disk with the apple tool and changed order with fdisk -r to /dev/hda1 Apple_Bootstrap /dev/hda2-/dev/hda7 Apple map and others /dev/hda9 HFS /dev/hda 10 Swap /dev/hda 11 Linux Native partition I can install the system an


2002-03-13 Thread Renato Barrios
Hi, I could install debian potato in an iMac I would want to use in the same machine an macOS 9. So I modified in the yaboot. conf file adding the line macos=12 that is my partition HFS number. When I boot with ofboot.b file of the yaboot documentation it boots in debian. When I try to use men

usbmouse and docs

2002-03-14 Thread Renato Barrios
Hi, In an iMac and an usb mouse I can run debian with gpm in the console. Please tell me how to configure potato's XF86Config (I don't find the script as in i386 I have used before). I wrote in the Pointer Protocole section "AUTO" that runs with great limitations. "USB", "PS/2" and "OSMouse" opti

Re : usbmouse and docs and please more docs...

2002-03-15 Thread Renato Barrios
Hi Chris, -- >De : "Chris Tillman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >À : >Objet : Re: usbmouse and docs >Date : Ven 15 mars 2002 3:24 > > On Thu, Mar 14, 2002 at 02:43:57PM +0100, Renato Barrios wrote: >> Hi, >> In an iMac

Re : X does not start

2002-03-15 Thread Renato Barrios
Hi, >>(**) Configured Mouse : Protocol : "PS/2" >>(**) Configured Mouse : Core Pointer >>(EE) xf86OpenSerial : Cannot open device /dev/psaux Try /dev/usbmouse or /dev/mouse -> usbmouse and in XF86Config Protocol "IMPS/2" >>(**) Generic Mouse : protocol : "ImPS/2" See also the french HOWTO ;) Renato

debian-ppc in alpha stage?

2002-03-17 Thread Renato Barrios
 ask the yaboot mantainer in the penguin website to have information that is really "standard". In fact dboostraps and all the installation routines are the same as pc's. In conclusion debian-ppc potato, one of the lasts debian distributions was not ready to use and has not be in de


2002-03-18 Thread Renato Barrios

Re: Re : Re : Ovnibus news and debian potato ppc

2002-03-18 Thread Renato Barrios
>De : Martin WHEELER <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >À : Renato Barrios <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >Objet : Re : Ovnibus news and debian potato ppc >Date : Lun 18 mars 2002 11:26 > > Renato __ > > The Debian project is a self-help community. > > This means that everyone

Re : Ovnibus news and debian potato ppc

2002-03-18 Thread Renato Barrios
-- >De : Elizabeth Barham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >À : "Renato Barrios" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >Objet : Re: Re : Ovnibus news and debian potato ppc >Date : Lun 18 mars 2002 12:35 > > "Renato Barrios" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes