Problems installing quik on Powermac 7200/90

2002-03-12 Thread Mark Baumann
/bandit/gc/53c93/[EMAIL PROTECTED]:0 7. quik -f -v seems to be ok 8. reboot and nozhing to beeps and dead tried 1 day no but it doesen't work. Perhaps someone of you have some helpfull hints! Mit freundlichen Gruessen/best regards Mark Baumann

Re: Problems installing quik on Powermac 7200/90

2002-03-14 Thread Mark Baumann
On Tue, 12 Mar 2002, Chris Tillman wrote: > On Tue, Mar 12, 2002 at 12:11:29PM +0100, Mark Baumann wrote: > > Hallo! > > I have some Problems installing quik on my Powermac. > > It was working already with bootx but i wanted to save some space and > > tried with quik

Re:Re: Problems installing quik on Powermac 7200/90

2002-03-15 Thread Mark Baumann
>> > >> > nvsetenv boot-file Linux <-- the name of the label in quik.conf >> > >> This worked. It boots (2 beeps) but only one time if I want to reboot it, >> its dead again (1 beep) >Is the value getting changed between boots? You can check the values with >nvsetenv without any argumen

Re: Problems installing quik on Powermac 7200/90

2002-03-19 Thread Mark Baumann
> > This worked. It boots (2 beeps) but only one time if I want to reboot it, > > its dead again (1 beep) > > 2 beeps is OF changing configuration. I have no idea what it's doing > that needs a second chime... > > As to why it doesn't boot the second time, I can only imagine that the > backup bat

Setting Hardwareclock

2002-03-19 Thread Mark Baumann
Hallo! I have a Proplem to set my hwclock via ntpdate, it's not possible to set it with "hwclock --set --date "time and date". Any suggestions how to love this? It's not nice to live in the year 1938;-) Mit freundlichen Gruessen/best regards Mark Baumann