Can't install Woody on PMac 7200

2003-03-25 Thread Lorenzo Thurman
I made boot floppies of the HFS-Boot floppy and root.bin. The boot starts with the boot floppy, but after the finder icon changes into a penguin, the monitor goes black and loses sync, then nothing. After leaving it and going to lunch, I manually ejected the boot floppy and inserted the

Installing Debian(Woody) on a 7200, again

2003-03-27 Thread Lorenzo Thurman
I tried the boot floppy 5 times with disks made from three differnet computers and it still will not work. The same thing happens everytime, the boot process starts, but after miboot kicks in, the screen goes black and loses sync, then nothing. Anyone have any ideas? I thought Debian was suppos

Keyboard w/2.4.20 kernel

2003-03-29 Thread Lorenzo Thurman
I built a new kernel with source from but after rebooting, my keyboard is not recognized properly at the console. For example, typing an 'e' produces a backspace. I can shell into the computer remotely and things work fine, but not at the console. Is there a simple fix for this? Th