Re: Oops and BUG's with hfsplus module

2005-09-25 Thread Lorenz Schori
i just suffered a severe dataloss with my very similiar configuration. i'm running ubuntu linux hoary with the standard kernel 2.6.10-5-powerpc on a powerbook g4. i've hooked up a hfsplus formatted 160gb lacie d2 firewire harddrive. in ubuntu i was copying two big (1.5gb) files from interna

Re: Oops and BUG's with hfsplus module

2005-05-22 Thread Lorenz Schori
hello i just suffered a severe dataloss with my very similiar configuration. i'm running ubuntu linux hoary with the standard kernel 2.6.10-5-powerpc on a powerbook g4. i've hooked up a hfsplus formatted 160gb lacie d2 firewire harddrive. in ubuntu i was copying two big (1.5gb) files from

Re: communicate with a printerserver using its mac adress ??

2005-06-03 Thread Lorenz Schori
hoi roland your server likely supports netbios or netbui. possibly you can display some information using smbtree and then resolv using smbutil... cheers lorenz p.s. remember me? Am 02.06.2005 um 19:58 schrieb Roland Wegmann: Hello I have a printer server one can configure using a web b

Re: multible partitions?

2005-06-04 Thread Lorenz Schori
hi wolf i just want to warn you: i recently trashed a 160gb lacie d2 firewire harddrive with linux (see: 2005/05/msg00464.html). if you wan't to mount hfsplus on linux do it read-only for now... now to your problem: mount /dev/sda1 -t hfsplus /hfs

Re: multible partitions?

2005-06-05 Thread Lorenz Schori
hi wolf Am 04.06.2005 um 20:43 schrieb Wolf Drechsel: i just want to warn you: i recently trashed a 160gb lacie d2 firewire harddrive with linux (see: powerpc/2005/05/msg00464.html). if you wan't to mount hfsplus on linux do it read-only for now... Thank

Re: mounting...

2005-06-07 Thread Lorenz Schori
possibly this helps: yellowdog-general/2004-July/015059.html Am 06.06.2005 um 22:44 schrieb Wolf Drechsel: Hello, I got a cable to mount my external disk on the USB-connector. This is bad style... - but works better than the FireWire thing: