With my G4 Cube I got the USB 'Apple Pro Keyboard' with german keycaps.
I don't see how to manage typing several important symbols in the Linux
environment (for the MacOSes I could detect them).
I am only using the console up to now.
the symbol for 'pipe' -- |
the symbol for 'a
Quoting Ethan Benson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> it sounds like the nvram is corrupted, this is not normal behavior
> regardless of a linux installation.
> shut it down, and boot it cold while holding down command option p r
> keep them down until it reboots itself 3 or more times. this should
I'm new to this group and to the ppc/apple hardware.
With Debian I have experiences for several years ... on the i386 platform.
In Mid-May I bought a G4 Cube.
In general: it is the the 'new' (for me) hardware I have difficulties with.
After some fiddling with MacOS and MacOSX on my Cu
Quoting Mark K. Gardner ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> mkofboot --boot /dev/hda9 -m /usr/lib/yaboot/ofboot --root \
> /dev/hda11 --partition 11
Additional directly after this step I did a 'ybin -v'
This command -I think- wrote some information from the /etc/yaboot.conf
into the 'Apple_Boots
Quoting Ethan Benson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> On Thu, Jun 07, 2001 at 04:18:00AM +0200, Karl-Heinz Haag wrote:
> if you have a newworld your best way to fix that right now is:
> apt-get --purge remove quik
> you should use make-kpkg from the kernel-package to build a
Successes on my newworld G4 Cube -Rage128:
-Debian again boots by default
-console works now with the right "german" console-maps.
(as symbols I also now can type \,@,~,|,{[]} )
-I also got X working with xserver-xfree version 4.0.3-3
With 'startx' I can start icewm as the default wm.
With my newworld Cube G4 I got an optical "Apple Pro Mouse" on USB.
The Cube has an ATI Rage128.
3 Questions:
1. Is it possible to use the gpm for the console?
With which configuration?
2. How is it possible to emulate the second and third mouse key
in X with this "one-key" Apple Mouse
Quoting Michel Dänzer ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Karl-Heinz Haag wrote:
> > Section "InputDevice"
> > Identifier "Keyboard0"
> > Driver "keyboard"
> > Option "CoreKeyboard"
> >
I want to use tripwire-2.3.?? and freeswan also on the macppc platform
within Debian.
Do you see possibilities for realizing that?
In Debian-PPC there are no packages+sources for these two programs.
In the original tripwire sources I noticed that the Makefile only has targets
for i386 and sp
> I'd like to know if anyone has build the ppc version of the libapache-mod-jk,
> which is tomcat plugger into apache, for servlet developpement. It appears
> that
> it exists only for ix86, is it too difficult to buils on other platforms ?
I can tell
*sound on/with G4 Cube*
How to configure?
Apples tech-information only tells:
"Sound card 16-Bit -PCI- 44.1 KHz stereo"
"Audio Output -- Sound card -PCI- integrated"
Which hardware is this?
Is kernel 2.2.19 sufficient?
Which modules do I need to compile?
Is there something special abou
Quoting Michael Schmitz ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> > I want to use tripwire-2.3.?? and freeswan also on the macppc platform
> > within Debian.
> >
> > Do you see possibilities for realizing that?
> Yep. Build it from source. You'll need to have a close look at the source
> for that,
That's too com
Hello all,
I've grabbed the list but did not find a working
solution for playing music CDs with my cube G4.
Cube G4 450
Debian Woody 3.0
lsmod shows loaded modules:
What's working:
mpg123 plays mp3 files
aumix works for vol
13 matches
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